Can you ace these Premium Trust Bank Past Questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Premium Trust Bank job questions from our study pack Premium Trust Bank Job Aptitude test Past questions study pack Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Note about the test format: On the Premium Trust Bank Job aptitude test, you’ll face 3 test sections:Numerical reasoning,Verbal reasoning, and Abstract reasoning questions,Logical Reasoning
Sample Premium Trust Bank Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
1. Dan had an average of 72 on his first four math tests. After taking the next test, his average dropped to 70. Which of the following is his most recent test grade?
A. 60
B. 62
C. 64
D. 66
E. 68
The correct answer is B.
[4(72) + x] / 5 = 70
Simplifying that expression, x= 62.
2. What is the average of the first 15 positive integers?
A 7
B 7.5
C 8
D 8.5
E 9
The correct answer is C.
Positive integers begin with 1. The first 15 positive integers are:
(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15) / 15 = 8.
3. David had d dollars. After a shopping trip, he returned with c cents. How many cents did he spend?
A d – c
B c – d
C 100d – c
D 100c – d
E d – 100c
The correct answer is C.
Since the Answer is to be in cents, change the dollars to cents by multiplying it by 100 and subtract from that the c cents he spent.
4. A certain copy machine produces 13 copies every 10 seconds. If the machine operates without interruption, how many copies will it produce in an hour?
A 78
B 468
C 1800
D 2808
E 4680
The correct answer is E.
The question stem gives information about copies per 10 seconds, but you must answer in terms of copies per hour.
To solve the problem, first convert copies per 10 seconds to copies per minute.
This can be done with a proportion:
13 copies / 10 seconds = x copies / 60 seconds
Solve by cross-multiplication: 13 × 60 = 10x
Solve for x:
x = 78
The correct answer, however, is not 78. A machine that produces 78 copies per minute produces 60 times that in an hour: 60 × 78 = 4680.
5. A suit marked at $80 is sold for $68. What is the rate of discount?
A 15%
B 12%
C 17 11/17%
D 20%
E 24%
The correct answer is A.
The amount of discount is $12. Rate of discount is figured on the original price.
Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or phrase which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capitals.
A. loathe
B. despise
C. adore
D. abhor
E. attach
The correct answer is C.
A. servile
B. first
C. fawning
D. supercilious
E. imprope
The correct answer is D.
A. not resonant
B. not reddish
C. not eager
D. pompous
E. lou
The correct answer is A.
Each of the questions below consists of two words that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by five lettered pairs of related words. Select the lettered pair of words.
A. area: square inch
B. milk: quart
C. society: classes
D. letter: alphabet
E. time: minutes
The correct answer is A.
A. knowledge: supposed
B. financial: bankrupt
C. immature: callow
D. credible: incredible
E. careful: punishing
The correct answer is B.
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