Weeks | SS1 | SS2 |
1. | History and development of Physical Education in Nigeria | SOMATOTYPE -Meaning of somatotype, human body types -Character tic of the body on physical performance -Advantages and disadvantage of body types MUSCLES: -Meaning, types, functions related to movement -Types of contractions -Difference between isometric and isotomic contraction of muscles |
2. | Dance and Rhythm of selected traditional dance/music | POSTURE: Meaning, Types, cause and characteristic |
3. | Tournament: -Definition, factors that determine choice of tournament -Types of tournament | RACKET GAMES: (Tennis) Theory and practical -Brief history of the game, specification of the court -Nature of the game, Skills/techniques of the games, -Materials, facilities and equipment -Rules and regulations, official and their duties, safety precautions, Terminologies |
4. | (a) Ball Game (basket ball) Theory -nature of the game, skill, Equipment and facilities -court specification, rules and regulations -officials b)Practical demonstration | NERVOUS SYSTEM – Definition of nervous system -Components of nervous system: the brain, spinal cord, nerves etc |
5. | Digestive System -Structure and function of alimentary canal -Process of digestion -Absorption and assimilation | NUTRITION -managing of nutrition, classes of food, balanced and unbalanced diet, functions of food, planning of athletics diet |
6. | Athletics (field events) Throws and jumps – Discuss, Javelin, Short put, Hammer, High jump Long jump (Emphasis on types and techniques b) Practical demonstration | HOCKEY GAMES –(Theory and practical) -Brief history of the game, specification of the pitch -Skills/techniques, materials: facilities and equipment -Rules and regulations, official and their duties -Safety precautions and Terminologies |
8. | Gymnastics: – History, Scope, Facilities and equipment -Practical demonstration box work e.g. Neck spring, astride vault, thorough vaults. Mat work e.g. Hand spring, cart wheel, forward roll, backward roll | WEEK 8 & 9; DRUG EDUCATION: (a) Definition of drugs: types of drugs, reasons why people use drugs, effect of hard drugs (b)Drugs in sports -What is doping? – The Ergogenic aids, reasons for doping, effects of doping in sports, effects of enabolic steroid, Dangers of anabolic steroid. |
9. | (a) Physical fitness (i) Definition, Importance, components and values of physical fitness (b) Physical fitness test | |
10. | Nutrition in sports (i) Classification (ii) Relevance diet to different sports (iii) Types of food to be taken before, during and after sports | RACKET GAMES (Badminton) theory and practical Brief history of the game, specification of the courts, nature of the game, skills/techniques of the game Materials: facilities and equipments, Rules and regulations, officiating, Safety precautions. Terminologies |
11. | Revision | Revision |
12. | Revision | Revision |
13 | Examination | Examination |
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