JSS 1 | JSS 2 | JSS 3 |
WEEK 1. Revision of last term work WEEK2. HAUSA STATE -Introduction – stages of state formation in Hausa land – The social political organization of the Hausa state WEEK 3. HAUSA STATE – Advent of Islam in Hausa land – Effect of Islam in Hausa land WEEK 4. THE KANURI EMPIRE – Introduction – The second Kanuri Empire WEEK 5. THE KANSURI EMPIRE – Socio-political Organization of kanem-Borno WEEK 6. NUPE KINGDOM – The Economy of the Nupe WEEK 7. MID TERM TEST WEEK 8. THE IGALA AND JUKUN – The Evolution of the Igba – The Origin of the Jukun – Factors that lead to the rise of the Jukun State WEEK 9. THE IGGALA AND JUKUN CONT – Place of religion in Jukun society – Jukun’s relation with its neighbours WEEK 10 REVISION WEEK 11 – 12 EXAMINATION | WEEK 1. Revision of last term work WEEK 2. Inter-relationship of some centres of civilization in pre-colonial Nigeria WEEK 3:KanemBorno/Hausa States WEEK 4: Igbo/ Niger delta city state WEEK 5: Early West African Civilization – Location of Ancient of Ghana WEEK 6:Government of Ghana Empire – Kumbi Saleh – The capital city Ghana Empire – Religion and practice of the Soninke WEEK 7: Mid-term Test WEEK 8: Administration of Justice in Ghana Empire – Defense system in Ghana empire WEEK 9: The Economy of Ghana Empire – Factors that Led to the rise of Ghana Empire WEEK 10: Decline and fall of Ghana Empire – internal weakness in the kingdom – The result of the fall of Ghana Empire WEEK 11: REVISION WEEK 12: EXAMINATION | WEEK 1 Revision of last term work WEEK 2. Early European contact with Nigeria, background to the European Exploration – Portuguese exploration – Reason for Portuguese Exploration of west Africa WEEK 3:European Explorers and Nigeria trade – Portuguese Effort at Christianizing Coastal State – Effect of the Effort at Christianizing the Coastal State WEEK 4: Effect of European contact with Nigeria – Early Europeans in Nigeria WEEK 5: British Colonization of Nigeria Territories, British Contact with Nigeria – British Contact with Nigeria as Explorer – The National African Company – British contact with Missionaries WEEK 6: Early Christians missions in Nigeria – Christians missionsion Nigeria – Effect of Christian Missionary in Nigeria WEEK 7: Mid Term Test WEEK 8: The British conquest of Nigeria WEEK 9: British System of colonialism in Nigeria – Indirect rule System WEEK 10: REVISION WEEK 11 – 12 EXAMINATION |
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