
Free NAPPS CRK Scheme Of Work For JSS1-3

NAPPS CRK SCHEME OF WORK SECONDARY (JSS1 -JSS3) SECOND TERM CHRISTAIN RELIGIOUS STUDIES JSS 1 JSS 2 JSS 3 Christian Religious Studies Review of first term’s examination questions Islamic Religious Studies SuratulFalaq and Iklas Civic Education Revision of last term’s work Social Studies Revision of last term’s work Security Education Revision of last term’s work […]




Christian Religious Studies Review of first term’s examination questions Islamic Religious Studies SuratulFalaq and Iklas Civic Education Revision of last term’s work Social Studies Revision of last term’s work Security Education Revision of last term’s work Christian Religious Studies Call to service Islamic Religious Studies Suratul Al-Naba (Recitation) Civic Education Citizenship MeaningTypes Social Studies Our roles in promoting safety in our community: Need for safetySafety measures in the home, school and work placeSafety guidelines for pedestrians, cyclists, motor cyclists, motorist Security Education Causes and effects of falsehood and theft Christian Religious Studies Joseph responded to call to service (Gen. 34) Islamic religious Studies Hadith No 1 of collections Civic education Process of becoming a citizen of a count Differences between place of birth and place of origin Social Studies Safety club as an agent of socialization: Structure and process of forming Road Safety Club in SchoolsThe roles of Road Safety club in the socialization of youths Security Education Causes and effects of murder and rape Christian Religious Studies The call of Moses. ( Exodus chapter 3) Islamic Studies Attributes of Allah.The first ten attributes of Allah. Civic Education Right and duties of citizens with definition Social Studies Common social problems in Nigeria Security Education Causes and effects of advanced fraud and embezzlement Christian Religious Studies The call of Joshua to service Islamic Studies Hadith No.2 of An-Nawawis collection (Reading and meaning) Civic Education Difference between right and duties Obligations Social studies Ways of solving common social problems in Nigeria Effects of social problems Ways of solving contemporary social problems Security Education Causes and effects of cultism and drug abuse Christian Religious Studies Call to obedience: Abraham’s obedience to God’s call. Genesis 12: 1-20 Islamic studies At-tashahud-Attayah reading Meaning and application Civic Education Importance of rights and duties of citizens Social studies Abstience 1: Meaning of sexual abstinence How students can stay abstinent Reasons for abstaining from sexual intercourse   Security education Causes and effects of bribery and corruption Christian Religious Studies Relationship in the family Islamic studies SuratulLahab Quran111 reading and meaning Civic Education Types of rights of a citizen Political rights Social rights Economic rights Social Studies Abstinences 2:  Skills and behaviour that enchance abstinence Benefits of abstinence Facts of abstinence Security Education Causes and effects of the sales of banned and contaminated foods Christian Religious Studies Relationship in the school community Islamic Studies Articles of faith in Islam Civic Education Types of right (contd) Social Studies Uniqueness of Nigerian culture Security Education Dealing in fake drugs Christian Religious Studies Relationship in the church Islamic Studies Child’s responsibility to parents and relations Civic Education Consequences of non-performance of obligation Meaning of obligation Effects of non-performance of obligation Social Studies Adaptability Meaning of adaptability Types of adaptability Security Education Relating with security agents Islamic studies Relationship between Muslims and non Muslims Battles fought by the Prophet Revision and ExaminationChristian Religious Studies Jesus parables Islamic Studies Revisions of first term’s work SalatulJama’ah congregational prayer Civic Education Revision of last term work Social Studies Revision of last term work Security Education Revision of last term work Christian Religious Studies Types of parables: Parables of the kingdom. Matt 13: 1-23; Mk 4:1-20Parable illustrating God’s love. Lk 15:3-7; Matt 18:12-24.Parable illustrating concern for one another Islamic Studies SuratulFil. Q 105 (reading and meaning) Civic Education Relationship between Federal, State and Local Government: FunctionsLegislative powerConcurrent and exclusive power, etc Social Studies Values : Meaning of values and their importanceSources of valuesFactors that influence our valuesValues clarificationUnderstanding one’s own values Security Education Emergency managements   Christian Religious Studies Parables of the kingdom: Parable of the Sower. Matt 13:1-23; Mk 4:1-20Parable of the mustard seed. Matt 13:1-23; Mk 4:30-34; Lk 13:18-19.Parable of the wheat and tares. Matt 13:24-30;36-40 Islamic Studies Brief history of Abubakar and lesson from his life Civic Education The rule of law: Meaning Benefits of the rule of law over arbitrary rule Social Studies Culture and social values: Religion, meaning and typesNames we call God in different communities in Nigeria Benefits of religionSimilarities in the lessons our religion teaches us Security Education Emergency management agencies Christian Religious Studies Parables illustrating God’s love Parables of the lost sheep. (Luke 15: 3-7; Matt 18:12-24)The lost coin Lk 15:8-10The prodigal son. Lk.15:11-32 Islamic Studies Belief in the prophets of Allah and its significance Civic Education Punishable offences 1: Meaning Examples of punishable offence and their punishment Social Studies Culture and social values 2: Marriage: Meaning of marriageTypes of marriagePurpose of marriage Security Education Identifying types of emergency situation Christian Religious Studies Parables illustrating concern for one another Parables of the good Samaritan (Lk 10: 15-37)Lazarus and the rich man (Lk 16:19-31) Islamic Studies SuratulHumazah Q 104 (Reading and meaning in English) Civic Education Protection of human rights and the rule of law: Meaning Social Studies Marriage 2 The conditions of marriageEffects of the lack of readiness on marriage relationship Security Education Ways of responding in emergency situations Christian Religious Studies Maturity and responsibility: The talents ( matt 25:14-30)The virgins (matt 25:1-13)The unforgiving servant (matt 28: 21-33) Islamic Studies SuratulFalaq Q113 (reading and meaning in English) Civic Education Groups that assist in protecting human rights of citizens: Trade unionsStudent unionCLO,DHR,CRP Social Studies Family as the base unit of society: Advantages of living together in the familyFamily bond and cohesionImportance of good family reputation Security Education Tips on emergency response at school and home Christian Religious Studies Jesus Christ and the laws: Civil and religious lawsJesus pay tax. Luke 2:22-24; 41-51; Matt 22:15-22; 17:24-27; 19: 16-22 Islamic Studies The conquest of Makkah Civic Education Consumer rights and responsibilities: Universal rights of consumerResponsibilities of consumer Social Studies Gender 1: Meaning of genderSimilarities and differences between male and femaleMeaning and examples of gender rolesFactors that influence gender roles Security Religious Studies Types of emergency management Christian Religious Studies Jesus Christ and the laws: The observance of the Sabbath Mk 2:23-28; 3:1-12The practice of Corban. Mk 7:9-13 Islamic Studies At-tharah in Islam 1: the cleanliness in Islam Civic Education Democracy Meaning FeaturesBenefits Social Studies Gender and Stereotypes 2: Meaning and examples of gender stereotypesNegative effects of gender roles/stereotypesImportance of gender equality Security Education Other types of emergency situation e.g. food poisoning, fainting/collapse. Christian Religious Studies Jesus Christ improves upon the law: Matt 5:21-48 e.g murder. Matt 5:21-26 Adultery. Matt 5: 27-30. Swearing. Matt 5:33-37. Retaliation. Matt 5:38-42. Love of enemies. Matt 5:43-46 Islamic Studies Child’s right in Islam (right of protection) Civic Education Democratic Institutions: Meaning with examplesFunctionsImportance Social Studies Accidents in the school Security Education Involving in emergency situations Christian Religious Studies Revision of term’s work Islamic Studies The holy books of Allah Civic Education Pillars of Democracy: MeaningExamples Social Studies Health Issues Harmful substancesMeaning with examplesWays of preventing intake of harmful substances Security Education Revision Islamic Studies SuratulAsr Q 103 (reading and meaning) Revision and ExaminationsChristian Religious Studies The spread of the Gospel outside Palestine: The Roman Empire. Matt 28:18-20 Islamic Studies SuratulQadr Civic Education National Values: Right attitudes to work. Meaning AttributesRewards Social Studies Conflicts (I) MeaningTypesCausesConsequences of conflicts Security Education Revision of first term’s work Christian Religious Studies The Christian Missionary Journey. Acts 13:1-12: Setting apart of Barnabas and Saul Paul at Paphos Islamic  Studies Prophet Ibrahim and Nuh Civic Education Right attitude to work: ImportanceConsequences of not having the right attitude to work Social Studies Conflict II: Conflict management and resolutionAttributes required for conflict resolution Security Education Crimes and National Security Christian Religious Studies The journey from Antioch in Pisidia to Derbe Paul at Iconium acts 14:1-7Paul and Barnabas at lystra. Acts 14: 8-20Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch in Syria. Acts 14: 21-28 Islamic studies Brief history of Khulafa Ur-Rashidun Abubakar and Umar b.khalab Civic Education Right attitude to work cont Social Studies Self-esteem Meaning of self-esteemTypes and factors that influence self-esteemHow to improve self-esteem Security Education Crimes and national security II Christian Religious Studies Controversies among the early Christians. Acts 15:1-5 Islamic Studies Hadith No.16 and 18 of An-Nawawi Civic Education Communal services Social Studies Cultism: Meaning of cultismCauses of cultismConsequences of cultismSolutions to cultism Security Education Crimes that affect National Security: Pipeline Vandalisation, Kidnapping, etc. Christian Religious Studies Controversy in Corinth Church. Acts 16:1-6; 1 cor. 1:10-15 Islamic Studies SuratulMulk Q55: 1-78 reading Civic Education Negative Behaviour: Meaning Examples of negative behaviour drug addiction, cultism, disregard for time, ostentations living etc Social Studies Family life Education: Meaning of family life educationPopulation and resources availableCustoms, value, beliefs and traditional gender issues and core messagesCensus problems in Nigeria Security Education Crimes that affect National Security: Illegal bunkering Christian Religious Studies The Jerusalem council. Acts 15: 22-35 Islamic Studies Suratul Mulk. Q 55: 1-78. Meaning Civic Education Negative Behaviour Social Studies Humanity and Arts: Definition of artsSocietal appreciation of sexuality through artsArts of art in religionWhy religion disapproves of sexually focused arts Security Education Crimes that affect National security: Drug Trafficking. Christian Religious Studies Conflicts in the society Islamic Studies Health in Islam Civic Education Drug abuse/ Trafficking Meaning of drug abuseEffects of drug abuse on society Social Studies Economic reform measures in Nigeria I: Meaning of privatization, commercialization and deregulationAdvantages of privatization Security Education Crimes that affects National Security: Human Trafficking. Christian Religious Studies Further spread of the church. Paul at Phillippi Acts 16:11-34 Islamic Studies Prophet Isa Civic Education Examination Malpractices: MeaningFormsEffects Social Studies Economic Reform Measures in Nigeria II: Disadvantages of Privatization Security Education Crimes that affects national security:  Arson Christian Religious Studies Paul’s Imprisonment at Phillippi Acts 16:35-40 Islamic Religious Studies Hadith No. 20 – 21 of An-Nawawi Civic Education Revision Social Studies Revision Security Education Crimes that affects National Security:  Insurgency and terrorism Christian religious Studies Revision Islamic Religious studies Attributes of Allah No. 67 – 99 Civic Education Revision Social studies Revision Security education Revision

NAPPS CRK Scheme Of Work

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