Can you ace these Zenith Bank Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Zenith Bank Job questions from our study pack Zenith Bank Job aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample Zenith Bank Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Verbal Reasoning
1. The cricket match seemed______ to our guests; they were used to watching sports in which the action is over in a couple of hours at the most.
A. unintelligible
B. inconsequential
C. interminable
D. implausible
E. evanescent
2. Our present accountant is most______; unlike the previous______ incumbent, he has never made a mistake in all the years that he has worked for the firm.
A. unorthodox - heretical
B. dependable - assiduous
C. punctilious - painstaking
D. asinine - diligent
E. meticulous – unreliable
3. The refugee's poor grasp of English is hardly an______ problem; she can attend classes and improve within a matter of months.
A. implausible
B. insuperable
C. inconsequential
D. evocative
E. injudicious
4. We appreciated his______ summary of the situation; he wasted no words yet delineated his position most ______.
A. comprehensive: inadequately
B. succinct: direfully
C. cogent: persuasively
D. verbose: concisely
E. grandiloquent: eloquently
5. His musical tastes are certainly______; he has recordings ranging from classical piano performances to rock concerts, jazz and even Chinese opera.
A. antediluvian
B. eclectic
C. harmonious
D. sonorous
E. dazzling
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Quantitative Reasoning
1. How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen?
A. 2
B. 10
C. 12
D. 24
E. 30
2. The price of garri rose by 40% last week and fell by 40% this week. What is the total rise or fall in percentage?
A. 40%
B. 16%
C. 20%
D. 100%
E. 67%
3. The average weight of a class of 24 students is 36 years. When the weight of the teacher is also included, the average weight increases by 1kg.
What is the weight of the teacher?
A. 37kgs
B. 45kgs
C. 61kgs
D. 72kgs
E. 75kgs
4. Mr. Kalada is three times as old as his son. After fifteen years, Mr. Kalada will be twice as old as his son's age at that time. Hence, Mr. Kalada's present age is?
A. 48
B. 45
C. 42
D. 36
E. 28
5. What number comes next in this sequence? 917452, 97452, 9745, 975.
A. 975
B. 974
C. 97
D. 95
E. 94
General Knowledge (Sports)
1. Rashidi Yekini was a prolific Nigerian striker that won the African footballer of the year for 1993. He died on the _____2012.
A. 12th of August
B. 27th of March
C. 4th of May
D. 18th of July
2. Who has three straight CAF player of the year award?
A. Yaya Toure
B. Diddie Drogba
C. Kanu Nwankwo
D. Samuel Eto'o
3. The Nigerian football team (The Dream Team) won the gold medal for football at the Olympics competition.
A. Barcelona, 1992
B. Atlanta, 1996
C. Athena, 2004
D. Beijing, 2008
4. Which one of the following Tennis players won the 2012 U.S. Open Competition?
A. Rafael Nadal
B. Roger Federer
C. Andrew Murray
D. Novak Djokovic
5. The first African American to build, own and operate a golf course is?
A. Bill Powell
B. Philip Anderson
C. Barrack Obama
D. Bill Clinton
E. Evander Bolton