These P.H.E questions and answers were pulled from our book (P.H.E questions for Primary 4); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample P.H.E Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct options from the lettered options
1. Malaria is carried by female ___________.
A. rats.
B. ants.
C. anopheles mosquitoes.
D. bees.
2. ________ and _________ are water-borne diseases.
A. Diarrhea and dysentery
B. Malaria and fever
C. Common cold and fever
D. Cold and fever
3. How can you prevent a skin disease?
A. By taking your bath regularly.
B. By being dirty.
C. By sleeping always.
D. By rubbing crude oil.
4. _________ is a contagious disease.
A. Common cold
B. Malaria
C. Kwashiokor
D. Ricket
5. Scabies is a __________.
A. hand disease.
B. skin disease.
C. mouth disease.
D. nail disease.
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6. Scalds are caused by_________.
A. hot water
B. hot oil
C. hot soup
D. all of the above
7. Which of the following insects does not bite?
A. Spiders
B. Bee
C. Mosquitoes
D. Tse-tse flies
8. What is a bandage used for?
A. It is used to tie a wound or cut.
B. Used as sponge for bathing.
C. It helps to protect us from cold.
D. It is used as a head cover.
9. Some __________ are poisonous to eat.
A. mushrooms
B. oranges
C. bananas
D. pineapple
10. Must be given whether a cut is _________ or deep.
A. shallow
B. minor
C. major
D. little