These Physical and Health Education questions and answers were pulled from our book (Physical and Health Education questions for Primary 2); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Physical and Health Education Exam Questions and Answers
1. The parts of the body that can bend are?
A. Head, stomach, knee
B. Uterus, leg, thighs
C. Knee, elbow, neck
D. None
2. Do you check your height with a weighing scale?
A. Yes
B. No
3. Food helps us to ________.
A. get short
B. slim down
C. grow
D. fall sick
4. We eat different types of ______.
A. juice
B. clothes
C. food
D. water
5. In the game ‘run with the wheel barrow’ wheel barrow is the boy whose hands are on the ____________
A. ground
B. wheel barrow
C. car
D. bicycle
Click here to get the complete Physical and Health Education questions for Primary 2
6. Dog bite should be treated _________.
A. immediately
B. after a week
C. any other time
D. after eating a balance meal
7. Snake bite should be treated _______.
A. immediately
B. after doing some exercise
C. after eating a balanced meal
D. after the patient have a good bath
8. The following are antiseptic except __________.
A. Dettol
B. tcp
C. izal
D. olive oil
9. The following can bite except ___________.
A. cat
B. car
C. dog
D. snake
10. Throwing and catching the ball while running is a kind of _________.
A. walk
B. talk
C. exercise
D. dance