Can you ace these NDDC EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these NDDC EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES questions from our study pack NDDC EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample NDDC EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
1. Which philosophy maintained “The soul is divine, only held in the bondage of matter”?
(a) Vedanta
(b) Sankhya
(c) Buddhism
(d) All of these.
2. What should be done so that the school is to be the guardian of democracy?
(a) Eminent leaders should be invited to school to talk about democracy to teachers and the students
(b) Democracy should, actually, be lived in the school
(c) Lessons on the importance of democracy should be included in the text-books
(d) The teachers should have faith in democracy.
3. “Child is more important than all kinds of books”. This viewpoint of Tagore represents his faith in the following aims of education
(a) Individual aims.
(b) Social aims.
(c) A synthesis of individual and social aims.
(d) Cultural aims.
4. “Next to Nature the child should be brought into touch with the stream of social ‘behaviour”. By saying this Tagore is trying to emphasize following aims of education
(a) Individual aims.
(b) Social aims.
(c) Both Individual and social aims.
(d) Intellectual development aim.
5. Who said that the aim of education should be to develop in children feelings of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) R. N. Tagore
(c) Rousseau
(d) Dewey.
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6. Characteristics of Vivekananda’s philosophy of education include
(a) Naturalism.
(b) Idealism.
(c) Pragmatism.
(d) Naturalism idealism and pragmatism all.
7. According to Vivekananda’s philosophy of education, the prime aim of education is
(a) Physical development of the child.
(b) Mental development of the child.
(c) Social development of the child.
(d) Fullness of perfection already present in the child.
8. The intimacy between philosophy and religion can be seen in the field of
(a) Goal of life.
(b) Aim of knowledge
(c) Values.
(d) All of these.
9. The influence of both philosophy and religion in the life of the human individual and society is
(a) Favorable.
(b) Unfavourable,
(c) Both of them.
(d) None of these.
10. Religion and philosophy meet in:
(a) Matter.
(b) Mind.
(c) Spirit.
(d) None of these.