
Free Exxon Mobil Sub-sea Engineering Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers

Can you ace these Exxon Mobil Sub-sea Engineering Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day. We pulled these Sub-sea Engineering questions from our study pack Exxonmobil job-aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can […]

Can you ace these Exxon Mobil Sub-sea Engineering Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.

We pulled these Sub-sea Engineering questions from our study pack Exxonmobil job-aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!

Note about the test format: On the Exxon mobil aptitude test you’ll face 4 test sections: Numerical reasoning, Verbal reasoning, Abstract reasoning, and the Skill test section (Sub-sea Engineering based questions).

1. A wellhead has three main functions. Which one is NOT a function of the wellhead?
a. To provide a location for suspending the casing strings.
b. To provide Sealing and pressure containment.
c. To provide protection against fishing activities.
d. Allows the installation of flow control equipment.

See the Answer
The correct answer is C

2. To which casing string is the wellhead attached?
a. 9 5/8 inch casing.
b. 13 3/8 inch casing
c. 18 ¾ inch casing
d. 30 inch conductor casing.

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The correct answer is C

3. What is the primary function of an Xmas tree?
a. It is the primary flow control system for fluid flow from the well or into the well.
b. It protects the wellhead at all times.
c. It provides the attachment points for production flowlines.
d. It prevents well blowout during drilling operations.

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The correct answer is A

4. There are two main design of Xmas tree. Which of the following pairs is the correct pair?
a. Production and Annulus Xmas trees.
b. Dual Bore and Mono Bore Xmas trees.
c. Vertical and Horizontal Xmas trees.
d. Dual Bore and Horizontal Xmas trees.

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The correct answer is D

5. The main Xmas tree valves are designed to be “Fail Safe”. What does this mean?
a. The valves are designed to 100% reliability.
b. The valves are a combination of two valves to provide redundancy.
c. The valve is held open by hydraulics compressing a spring. If the hydraulics fail the valve closes with the spring.
d. The valve can be plugged by injecting cement down a special line if required.

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The correct answer is C

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6. In shallow water (less than 300 m water depth) how are trees lowered to the well guide base?
a. The tree is run on guide wires connected from the guide posts to the drill rig.
b. Two divers are in the water and manually guide the tree into position.
c. The wellhead is surrounded by a conical funnel. Once entered the funnel shape this guides the tree to its correct location.
d. The tree has side thrusters which guide the tree into position.

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The correct answer is A

7. In a cluster of wells (say 6) where are the wells located with respect to the manifold?
a The wells are located within the manifold.
b. The wells are located around the manifold at a distance of 10 to 20m.
c. The wells are located around the manifold at a distance of 80 to 100m.
d. The wells have individual flowlines which are manifolded on the production host.

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The correct answer is B

8. How are manifolds (and trees) protected in the North Sea against fishing activities?
a. The presence of the subsea equipment is marked at the surface by buoys and fishing activities are not permitted in the area.
b. The equipment is build strong enough by itself to survive any impacts with fishing gear.
c. All fishing gear must be equipped with links that break if they get caught on underwater objects.
d. They are surrounded by a strong steel frame which is angled to deflect fishing gear.

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The correct answer is D

9. What is the function of a choke valve?
a. It is a valve which is either open or closed by a manual (diver) activity.
b. It is a valve with multibore flowpaths permitting mixing of several flow streams.
c. It is not an open or close valve but one which has a full range of intermediate positions allowing it to regulate the flow rate.
d. It is a valve that is connected to a hose through which cement make be run in order to block the line in the event of a major failure.

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The correct answer is C

10. Why are the subsea choke valves located on the tree or manifold in the most accessible position?
a. They have to be away from interference from other working items on the manifold or tree.
b. They do not need a high degree of protection and so can be on the outside of the structure.
c. Because they have the emergency closing capability with the cement plug they may be used only once and so must be changed before restarting the system.
d. Flow through them causes high wear and so they have to be changed frequently, say every three year

See the Answer
The correct answer is D

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