Can you ace these Exxon Mobil Mechanical Engineering Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Mechanical Engineering questions from our study pack Exxonmobil job-aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
1. Work input is directly proportional to heat and the constant of proportionality is called
a. joule’s equivalent
b. mechanical equivalent of heat
c. all of the mentioned
d. none of the mentioned
2. The value of constant of proportionality, J, has the value
a. 1
b. 0
c. -1
d. infinity
3. It was Joule who first established that heat is a form of energy, and thus laid the foundation of the first law of thermodynamics.
a. true
b. false
4. A window having area of 2m^2 has a surface temperature of 15°C and the air is blowing at 2°C across it with convection heat transfer coefficient of h = 125 W/m2K. Find the total heat transfer loss?
a. 3250 W
b. 2250 W
c. 4250 W
d. 5250 W
5. The sun shines on a 150 m2 road surface so it is at 45°C. Below the 5cm thick asphalt (average conductivity of 0.06 W/m K), is a layer of rubbles at 15°C. Find the rate of heat transfer to the rubbles.
a. 5300 W
b. 5400 W
c. 5500 W
d. 5600 W
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6. Thermal conductivity is defined as the heat flow per unit time
a. When temperature gradient is unity
b. Across the wall with no temperature
c. Through a unit thickness of the wall
d. Across unit area where temperature gradient is unity
7. Mark the matter with least value of thermal conductivity
a. Air
b. Water
c. Ash
d. Window glass
8. Which one of the following forms of water have the highest value of thermal conductivity?
a. Boiling water
b. Steam
c. Solid ice
d. Melting ice
9. A pot of steel (conductivity 50 W/m K), with a 5 mm thick bottom is filled with liquid water at 15°C. The pot has a radius of 10 cm and is now placed on a stove that delivers 250 Was heat transfer. Find the temperature on the outer pot bottom surface assuming the inner surface to be at 15°C.
a. 15.8°C
b. 16.8°C
c. 18.8°C
d. 19.8°C
10. A water-heater is covered with insulation boards over a total surface area of 3 m2. The inside board surface is at 75°C and the outside being at 20°C and the conductivity of material being 0.08 W/m K. Find the thickness of board to limit the heat transfer loss to 200 W ?
a. 0.036 m
b. 0.046 m
c. 0.056 m
d. 0.066 m