WEEKS | JSS 1 | JSS 2 | JSS 3 |
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 | REVISION OF PREVIOUS TERM’S WORK : SPEECH WORK – DIPHTHONGS GRAMMAR – VERB – Introduction –Active Voice and Passive Voice READING AND COMPREHENSION; Reading to make meaning from spatial description, Vocabulary development: Air transport COMPOSITION: Introduction to Expository Essay LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Prose LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Theme/characterization in the recommended prose text. | REVISION OF 2nd TERM’S WORK AND EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:SPEECH WORK -REVISION OF STRESS/INTONATIONS.GRAMMAR: The use ofconjunctionsAlthough and whereas as contrasts. READING AND COMPREHENSION; Reading to understand the writer’s purpose by identifying the key words in a selected passage. COMPOSITIONA review of Formal letters and Informal letters LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Review of Literacy Terms and Figures of Speech. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: As in 1.5 | REVISION OF 2nd TERM’S WORK AND EXAMINATION |
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 | SPEECH WORK: Identification of diphthongs in words. For example /æ/ as in Mary Mæri/ / æi) as in boil/bæil/ GRAMMAR: Highlighting the Active Voice READING AND COMPREHENSION: Reading to identify appropriate introduction and conclusion in selected topics. Vocabulary Development: Words related to Fishing COMPOSITION: Elements of writing continued. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Prose LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Setting/Plot to the recommended text. | SPEECH WORK: Consonants/t/and/d/or/p/&/b/at the initial. Middle and final position of words. GRAMMAR: Using despite an inspite with adequate examples READING AND COMPREHENSIONReading to summarize the key ideas from different paragraphs COMPOSITION: Use the recommended text on Prose. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: More or Myths and Legends. Themes in popular Myths/Legends. | COMPREHENSION/VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT ( Look at some past questions) -English Structure_ Review of Nouns and Pronouns -Composition- Review of Narrative/Descriptive Essays – Speech Work: Review of Monothongs -Literature-in-English Review of major/minor characters, theme, plot, tragic/comic elements, diction |
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 | SPEECH WORK: Introduction to consonants sounds. GRAMMAR: The Use of Passive Voice with examples. READING AND COMPREHENSION: Reading to identify key words in the passage that signal direction. Vocabulary Development: Words associated with the kitchen. COMPOSITION: Expository Essay (Guided Writing) The Ebola Virus LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Poetry Identification of the language used in a selected poem. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Poetry continued. | SPEECH WORK: Consonants sound/t/and/s/)sheep/cheap, mash/march) GRAMMAR: The uses of Have, Has and Had. READING AND COMPREHENSION: Reading to infer the author’s intention in a selected passage COMPOSITION a composition on the topic: -Pride goes before a fall LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Characterization, Theme and Diction in the recommended Prose text LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Write a simple story on Honesty and Fair play. | COMPRHENSION/VOCABULARYDEVELOPMENT (Use past questions) LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH – Review of Verbs and Adverbs Composition- Review of Argumentative/Expository Essay – Speech Work- Review of Diphtongs LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH Review of Literary terms for poetry: metaphor, Smile, Alliteration, Irony and so on |
4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 | SPEECH WORK: Syllables: words of two, three, four syllables. GRAMMAR: Exercise on Active Voice. READING AND COMPREHENSION: Reading to make meaning from spatial description, Vocabulary development: Words associated with the Sick bay. COMPOSITION: Argumentative Essay Tribalism is a better evil than Cultism LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Myths/Legend. Identification of the moral lessons learnt from a legend. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Drama | SPEECH WORK: Consonants sound/ᴓ/and /ᴓ /(think/father, mouth/lathe) GRAMMAR: Synonyms: using adequate examples. READING AND COMPREHENSION: Reading to identify words/expressions that signal or redirect attention to the main point. VOCABULARY development: Words associated with Human rights COMPOSITION a composition on the topic: The Responsibility of Government LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Prose LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Writing a simple poem on Laziness. | COMPRENSION/VOCABULARYDEVELOPMENT: Review of Literary terms for poetry, metaphor, Smile, Alliteration, Irony and so on COMPREHENSION/VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT -English STRUCTURE: Review and interjection COMPOSITION- Revisit informal letter, Formal letter and their features SPEECH WORK Review of consonant sounds, LITERATURE –IN-ENGLISH -Use past questions |
5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 | SPEECH WORK: Syllables continued. GRAMMAR: Exercise on Passive Voice. READING AND COMPREHENSION: Refer to week 7 of 2nd term, Vocabulary development: Words associated with Cooking. COMPOSITION: Argumentative Essay Cultism erodes Traditional Values in a Society. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Identification/Explanation of the meaning of a selected poem. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Identification of the Figures of Speech in the selected poem. | SPEECH WORK: Consonants/w/and /j/ ) wonder/university, win/yellow) GRAMMAR: Antonyms- using adequate examples READING AND COMPREHENSION: As in week 1. Vocabulary Development: Conflict resolution. Words associated with Cooking. COMPOSITION: A topic on – A memorable Journey I once made LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Identification of the moral import in the recommended Prose text. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Setting /plot in the recommended prose text. | Use past questions for all the aspects of the revision |
6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 | SPEECH WORK: Consonants clusters (asks. school, thrive, please, respect …) GRAMMAR: Statements and Tag Questions READING AND COMPREHENSION: Identification of Topic Sentences. Vocabulary development: Words associated with Teaching. COMPOSITION: Identifying the differences between Argumentative Essay and Expository Essay. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Drama LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Write a short play or story. | SPEECH WORK: Contrasting vowel/U/and/U:/ (Look/youth, book/food) GRAMMAR: The use of causative verbs. For examples: blacken-to cause to become black READING AND COMPREHENSION: As in week 2. Vocabulary Development: words associated with Religion . COMPOSITION: Writing a dialogue LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Drama. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Figures of speech in the recommended drama text.. | Use past questions for all the aspects of the revision |
7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 | SPEECH WORK: Word boundaries: Production of sounds with reference to linking sounds. For example: matter-of-fact, Shah of Iran, bread and butter and poor and blind. GRAMMAR: Differentiating between Polar Questions and Tag Questions. READING AND COMPREHENSION: Refer to week 8 of 2ndterm, Vocabulary development: Spelling Drills. COMPOSITION Expository Essay: How to plant a Tree. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Drama LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use Similes and Metaphors on sentences. | SPEECH WORK: Contrast between vowels /Ӭ/ and /˄/ (caught/come, lawn/love) GRAMMAR: Adverbs of place ( by the gate, in the school, on the field…) READING AND COMPREHENSIONAs in week 3. COMPOSITION: Composition on the topic; The day I would not like to remember LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Use the recommended text on Drama LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Dramatisation of some from the recommended test on drama | Use past questions for all the aspects of the revision |
8 8.1 | SPEECH WORK: Contrasting /ei/ and ie/. For example, date, here, late, cheer GRAMMAR: Exercise on Adverbials. READING AND COMPREHENSION: Revisit week 9 of 2nd term, Vocabulary development: Spelling Drills continued COMPOSITION: (Oral) School Rules LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Dramatization of an act from the Drama text. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Turn Similes to Metaphors and vice-versa. For example: She is as red as a rose. She is a red rose. | SPEECH WORK: Consonant and vowel sounds differentiated. GRAMMAR: Review of prefix and suffix READING AND COMPREHENSION: Refer to week 4. COMPOSITION: Write a composition on the topic: The Rich Also cry LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Characterisation, Diction, Plot and Theme in the recommended text on drama LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: As 8.5 | Use past questions for all the aspects of the revision |
9 9.1 | SPEECH WORK – DIPHTHONGS: Contrasting /uæ/ and /en/ – tour, sow, pour, pole. GRAMMAR – Revision of Noun, Pronouns, Verbs and Adjectives. READING AND COMPREHENSION; Reading for evaluation. COMPOSITION: Revise all the types of Essays. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: More on Figure of Speech: Euphemism/Pun | SPEECH WORK: Review of the consonant sounds with emphasis on/Ө/ and /Ө/ GRAMMAR: More on Question Tags READING AND COMPREHENSION: Review the language skills COMPOSITION: Review the components of Letter writing and Essay Writing LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Review the Prose text in use. LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH: Turn Review the Drama text in use. | Use past questions for all the aspects of the revision |
10 | REVISION | REVISION | Use past questions for all the aspects of the revision |
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