Weeks | SS1 | SS2 |
1 | Revision of 2nd term unified examination DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE Meaning Channel of distributionProcess of distributionWholesalers (function to producers and retailers)Retailers (functions to wholesaler and consumers) | Revision of last term’s work MONEY: Motives for holding moneyDemand for and supply of moneyElementary quantity theory of moneyValue of money and price level |
2 | MIDDLEMEN Argument for or against the elimination of middlemenProblems of product distribution in NigeriaWays of improving the system of distribution of consumer goods in NigeriaRoles of government agencies in product distribution | FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Money market (meaning, function and instruments used)Capital market (meaning, function and instruments used) |
3 | MONEY Definition of money and its origin Trade by barter system and its deficienciesTypes of money (including credit card, value card, ICT, aider payment instruments such as ATM, Quick teller, paga, cashless teller machine etc)Characteristics of moneyFunction of money | INFLATION Meaning, types, causes of inflationEffects and controls of inflation Deflation Meaning and causesEffects and controls |
4 | FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Meaning of financial institutionsTypes (traditional, Commercial Banks meaning, functions and creation of credit and its limitations; Central Bank meaning function, weapons of controlling Commercial Banks and its contribution to economic development | PUBLIC FINANCES Meaning objectivesTaxation (meaning, types (direct and indirect)Advantages and Disadvantages |
5 | CONCEPT OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY DEMAND Meaning of demandLaw of demandSchedule and curveTypes of demandFactors affecting demand | SOURCES OF GOVERNMENT REVENUE Importance of taxation/effectsStructures of pulic expenditure (re-current and capital expenditure) |
6 | SUPPLY Meaning of supplyLaw of supplySchedule and curveTypes of supplyFactors affecting supply | BUDGET Meaning, types and importanceNational Debt (meaning and types)Financing deficit budgetRevenue Allocation in Nigeria |
7 | EQUILIBRIUM PRICE/PRICE DETERMINATION MeaningUse of hypothetical schedule and graph to determine equilibrium priceCalculation from hypothetical table from equations of demand and supply (i.eQd = Qs)Meaning and functions of the price system and other means of determining prices | CAPITAL MARKET Meaning and functionsStock ExchangeHow Stock Exchange operatesSecondary and Primary marketDevelopment Bank (functions) |
8 | THE NATURE OF THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY General overview of the Nigeria economyNature and structure of industries in NigeriaContributions of primary, secondary and tertiary sectorExplain economic activities of the six-geo-political zones | NATIONAL INCOME Meaning and concept (GDP, GNP, NNP)Measurement of National incomeProblems of measuring National incomeUse of National income |
9 | AGRICULTURE MeaningComponents/structureSystems of agricultureContributions to the economyProblems and solutions of agricultureAgriculture policies in Nigeria (OFN, RBOA, NAFPP, Green revolution) | THEORY INCOME DETERMINATION Circular flow of incomeConcepts of investment, consumption and savings |
10 | MINING MeaningComponents of the Nigerian mining industryMinerals (types, uses and locations) | THEORY OF MULTIPLIER Meaning of the theory of multiplier Equilibrium level of incomeMultiplier effect |
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