Unity Bank Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers?
Unity Bank Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers 2023, this study pack will help you prepare faster for your best performance in the job selection aptitude test. To perform your best, a crucial part of your preparation tactics is to practice previous years’ papers. Solving these will help you understand the exam pattern, know the level of difficulty, and ultimately, help you create your best preparation strategy and guarantee success.
How to Prepare for the Unity Bank Aptitude Test.
Your best preparation material for Unity bank recruitment test is to practice the past questions pack well trusted by thousands of previously successful candidates.
Likely Questions to Expect in Unity Bank Test
Our Unity Bank past questions and answers material has all the likely questions to expect in the exams. This questions are drawn from logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning and current affair.
Unity Bank Recruitment Aptitude Test Stages
The recruitment process involves 3 stages.
Stage 1: An online test which will take about 120 minutes to complete.?
The goal of this exam is to whittle down the number of applicants, and select only a few successful candidates from the pool. Regardless of your experience and confidence level, you should try to pass the online assessments to even stand a chance.
Stage 2: A physical performance verification exam at a designated test center.
Stage 3 is the assessment day. This is the final stage where you’ll face an interview panel, take on group exercises, and case presentations.
Your speed and accuracy in answering the questions is key to your success in?Unity Bank Job Aptitude test.
Free Sample Unity Bank Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Can you ace these Unity Bank Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
1. Let R = qs-4. When s = 8, R = 16. When s = 10, R is equal to A. 11 B. 14 C. 20 D. 21
2. If 272/3 ? 81-? = 3x, the value of x is A. -1 B. 0 C. 1 D. 2
3. On converting the following base-2 numeral in base ten, 1101101, we get A. 96 B. 104 C. 108 D. 109
You are given four alternative meanings to each of the following idioms/phrases. Choose the most appropriate one. 4. BLOW BY BLOW (a) Eruptions in quick succession from a great volcano (b) Continuously raining with thunders (c) Describe an event as it occurred in every detail (d) A rapid decline of business leading to its closure
5. A FEATHER IN ONE?S CAP (a) Accumulating more money or property (b) Taking more burden on oneself (c) Being felicitated for one?s artistic merits (d) Something achieved that constitutes a victory
Click here to get the complete Unity Bank Job aptitude-test past questions and answers
Some Frequently Asked Questions about Unity Bank test 2025
Q: Can I take the test on my phone? A: We strongly advise against using your phone for the test. Using your phone can result in your test being terminated when calls or SMS come in during the test as this can be considered suspicious activities (see the question on suspicious activities for more details).
Q: Can I take the test more than once? A: You are only allowed to take the test only once. If you take the test more than once, it is only your score from the first attempt will be recorded.
Q: Is the test timed? A: Yes. All tests have a time duration in which they must be completed. Once the duration is reached, the test will be terminated, and your score recorded and submitted.
Q: What if I mistakenly end the test before I am done? A: Once a test is submitted or closed, it will be assumed that the test has been completed and submitted.
Q: Would I be allowed to retake the test if my test automatically ended because of network or internet issues? A: No, you would not be allowed to retake the test. You are advised to make sure you have quality internet service to avoid this.
Q: Would I be allowed to use the calculator on my system for the test for mathematical questions? A: Opening another app on your device while taking the test is considered an unusual behaviour so we advise you have a physical calculator for the test.
Q: My test just ended. I don?t know what happened. What should I do? A: Your test can be terminated for several reasons ? internet connection, suspicious behaviour, or test time elapsed. Please ensure you have good and reliable internet before starting the examination to prevent termination due to poor internet connection. If you perform five (5) suspicious activities, your test will be terminated. Every time a suspicious activity is noticed, you will get a warning. By the fifth (5th) warning, your test will be terminated.
Q: What are suspicious activities? A: Your test will be terminated if you perform five (5) suspicious activities. The following activities are considered suspicious activities /unusual behaviour: ? Minimizing the browser. ? Resizing the browser. ? Opening a new tab. ? Opening a new program. ? Take a screenshot. (Desktop) ? Pressing Ctrl + C. ? Pressing Ctrl + V. ? Pressing Print Screen. ? Pressing F12. [message_box title=”Disclaimer” color=”red”]Teststreams is not affiliated with Unity Bank and information on their tests is based on our own research. [/su_box]
Sample? Questions for Union Bank Management Trainee? Aptitude Test
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