PTDF (MSc) Scholarship Aptitude Test Past questions Study pack:
Purchasing and Supply Chain MGMT
This PTDF (MSc) Scholarship Aptitude Test Past questions and answers study pack: Purchasing and Supply Chain MGMT is a compilation of past questions.
A crucial part of PTDF Scholarship Aptitude test preparation is to solve and practice using previous years’ papers. Solving previous year PTDF papers will help you understand the exam pattern, know the level of difficulty and ultimately, helps you create your best preparation strategy.
This study pack contains
- PTDF past question papers(General and Technical) + scanned copies
- Past questions for PTDF Purchasing and Supply Chain MGMT administered by WAEC, CINFORES, and FLEXISAF
About the PTDF test format
The General paper section is common to all candidates and will always be the first part of your test. It contains between 30, 50 or 60 questions to be answered in 30 minutes.
The first section(Paper 1) of the test is a basic cognitive skills test and could cover areas such as
General current affairs
knowledge of the oil industry (OPEC), national agencies’ acronyms, sports, politics, current affairs etc.
The second paper seeks to test your technical competence based on your course of study at undergraduate level and few basic questions relating to the field you are seeking Masters scholarship (Purchasing and Supply Chain MGMT).
Sample questions
1. What type of legal system is practiced in Nigeria?
A. English common law
B. Customary law
C. Sharia or Islamic law
D. Combination of English common law, customary law and Islamic law
E. Socialist law
2. The contribution of the oil and gas sector to the GDP of Nigeria is between
A. 85 to 90 %
B. 17 to 20%
C. 52 to 56%
D. 3 to 10%
E. 39 to 43% 3.
Four main Nigeria cash crops are:
A. Cocoa, groundnut, rubber, cotton
B. Cocoa, oil palm, groundnut,? Pineapple
C. Cotton, oil palm, groundnut, maize
D. Groundnut, rubber, soya, onions E. Oranges, oil palm, rubber, cocoa
5. The bedrock geology of Nigeria is composed of ………….. Main groups
A. 7
B. 4
C. 2
D. 6 Page 2 E. 10 6.
Nigeria joined OPEC in 1971 as the …….. member of that organization
A. 6th
B. 8th
C. 4th
D. 10th
E. 11th
4. Nigeria became a republic on
A. 1st October 1960
B. 29th may 1999
C. 1st October 1963
D. 1st October 1958
E. 29th July 1966
5. Where is the headquarters of OPEC?
A. London
B. New York
C. Stockholm
D. Vienna
E. Paris
6. Exploration activities for oil began in Nigeria at…..
A. Niger delta
B. Araromi, western Nigeria
C. Wadi
D. Benue trough
E. Chad basin
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