Nigerian Navy DSSC Past Questions and Answers – 2025
This PDF is a complete collection of past questions and answers for the Nigerian Navy DSSC recruitment test. It is compiled to help candidates prepare effectively for the computer-based test, making the exam much easier since questions are often repeated from previous years.
The material covers all positions for the upcoming Nigerian Navy Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) test. Some of the roles included are Clinical Psychologist, Biomedical Engineer, Public Health Officer, General Nurse/Midwife, Social Welfare Officer/Nutritionist, Occupational Therapist, Engineers, ICT Officer, Legal Officer, Medical Officer/Dental Surgeon, Pharmacist, Medical Laboratory Scientist, Radiographer, Physiotherapist, Optometrist, and Medical Records/Health Information Management Officer, among others.
We strongly recommend this resource for candidates who want to excel in the upcoming test and gain an advantage over other applicants.
Nigerian Navy DSSC Exam Format
To excel in the Nigerian Navy Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) recruitment exam, it’s important to understand the test structure. Knowing the format helps you focus your preparation on key areas.
Here’s what to expect in the Navy DSSC test:
Position-Based Questions
These are specialized questions related to your field of study or the position you applied for. For example:- Pharmacy applicants will answer pharmacy-related questions.
- Physiotherapy applicants will face questions specific to physiotherapy.
Expect similar scenarios for other roles.
English Language
This section assesses your proficiency in reading, understanding, and using correct English. It includes basic grammar and comprehension questions.Mathematics
This tests your arithmetic and problem-solving skills. While the questions can be challenging, brushing up on mathematical concepts will help you navigate this section with confidence.Current Affairs
This part evaluates your knowledge of the Nigerian Navy and current events in Nigeria. Stay updated with national and military news to perform well here.General Paper
This section covers a wide range of random topics to assess your overall knowledge and versatility. Questions may come from various fields, so a broad understanding of general knowledge is key.
Focus on these areas during your preparation to maximize your chances of success.
Sample Nigerian Navy DSSC Past Questions and Answers

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Nigerian Navy DSSC Aptitude Test 2025
Q: Can I take the test on my phone?
A: We strongly advise against using your phone for the test. Using your phone can result in your test
being terminated when calls or SMS come in during the test as this can be considered suspicious
activities (see the question on suspicious activities for more details).
Q: Can I take the test more than once?
A: You are only allowed to take the test only once. If you take the test more than once, it is only your
score from the first attempt that will be recorded.
Q: Is the test timed?
A: Yes. All tests have a time duration in which they must be completed. Once the duration is
reached, the test will be terminated, and your score recorded and submitted.
Q: What if I mistakenly end the test before I am done?
A: Once a test is submitted or closed, it will be assumed that the test has been completed and
Q: Would I be allowed to retake the test if my test automatically ended because of network or
internet issues?
A: No, you would not be allowed to retake the test. You are advised to make sure you have quality
internet service to avoid this.
Q: Would I be allowed to use the calculator on my system for the test for mathematical questions?
A: Opening another app on your device while taking the test is considered an unusual behaviour so
we advise you have a physical calculator for the test.
Q: My test just ended. I don’t know what happened. What should I do?
A: Your test can be terminated for several reasons – internet connection, suspicious behaviour, or test
time elapsed.
Please ensure you have good and reliable internet before starting the examination to prevent
termination due to poor internet connection.
If you perform five (5) suspicious activities, your test will be terminated. Every time a suspicious
activity is noticed, you will get a warning. By the fifth (5th) warning, your test will be terminated.
Q: What are suspicious activities?
A: Your test will be terminated if you perform five (5) suspicious activities. The following activities are
considered suspicious activities /unusual behaviour:
˗ Minimizing the browser.
˗ Resizing the browser.
˗ Opening a new tab.
˗ Opening a new program.
˗ Take a screenshot. (Desktop)
˗ Pressing Ctrl + C.
˗ Pressing Ctrl + V.
˗ Pressing Print Screen.
˗ Pressing F12.
Samrex Noni –
Ibinuolapo olaoluwa –
Past questions and answer