
Dragnet Aptitude test – Complete Past Questions & Answers – PDF Download

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Original price was: ₦8000.Current price is: ₦4900.

Fully solved DRAGNET Aptitude Test Past Questions for 2025. This material provides in-depth insight into how the test looked like in the past.

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Format: PDF download

Number of Pages: 647 pages

Years Covered: 2012 - 2024

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Original price was: ₦8000.Current price is: ₦4900.

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?Dragnet Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers - Pdf Download

Dragnet Aptitude test Past Questions and Answers 2025

Get ready for your Dragnet Aptitude Test with this compiled Dragnet Aptitude test Past Questions and Answers. This resource is compiled to give you an edge by familiarizing you with the format, style, and types of questions Dragnet typically asks.

This study pack is perfect for anyone preparing for Dragnet recruitment exams , helping you stand out from the competition and perform at your best.

Who uses this test?

Dragnet administers tests for a wide range of companies and the test format is not the same for all of them. This Numerical, Verbal and Abstract reasoning test style mainly applies to

  • oil companies jobs,
  • engineering-related jobs,
  • selected bank jobs (eg: Ecobank) and
  • some companies like Chevron etc

Why Choose This Pack?

    • Trusted by thousands of successful candidates.
    • Easy-to-understand format for all test-takers.
    • Instant access
Dragnet Aptitude test Format:

Please ensure that you go through all questions provided in this study pack to get a well rounded preparation. All questions from Dragnet?s past entry-level job aptitude test.

The Dragnet Aptitude Test is typically administered in an online format. It consists of multiple-choice questions in each section, and candidates are required to complete the test within a given time frame. The number of questions and time limit may vary based on the test type and specific job requirements.

Test Sections:

The test generally comprises the following sections:

a. Verbal Reasoning: Assesses the candidate’s ability to understand written passages, draw logical conclusions, and make inferences based on the information provided.

b. Numerical Reasoning: Evaluates the candidate’s quantitative skills, data analysis, and ability to interpret graphs, charts, and numerical data.

c. Abstract Reasoning: Measures the candidate’s non-verbal problem-solving and analytical skills through patterns and sequences.

d. Technical Knowledge (if applicable): This section may assess the candidate’s knowledge and expertise in specific technical subjects related to the job role.


Preparation is key to performing well in the Dragnet Aptitude Test. Candidates are encouraged to practice with past test papers to familiarize themselves with the test format, improve speed and accuracy, and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, time management and critical thinking skills are essential for success.

Free Sample of Dragnet Aptitude test Past Questions and Answers

Verbal Reasoning

I remained at my station at Kaduna until I was posted to Ibadan to take over what was known as Area 2 command. Area 2 was by then virtually a one Battalion conformation. This Battalion was less than seven hundred men strong and fewer than a hundred rifles on charge, with fewer than twenty rounds of ammunition per rifle. There was one machine gun, one mortal, one recoilless rifle and one set of clothing per soldier. The battalion had one land rover and two trucks issued to it. At the same time, the relationship between the soldiers and the civilian population was strained almost to breaking point. This was caused by the authoritarian behavour and high headedness by some of the soldiers.

My first task was that of restoring mutual confidence and trust amongst soldiers, between the soldiers and civilians. I discovered that apart from group affinity and loyalty, language was the second friction, suspicion and fear among the soldiers. The actions of a few of the officers did not help, but rather worsened the situation. I instructed that English, which is the nation?s official language, would be the medium of communication throughout the unit. All soldiers were also ordered to sleep in their barracks and to detest from molestation of the civilians.
Offenders were severely punished. Corporal punishment was not excluded. In fact, it was very effective. I remembered a story of a sergeant who, without permission drove to Lagos in an army Land Rover to see his brothers without regard for, and over the heads of, and all the superior officers in his units, and the Area commander in Ibadan.

The case was reported to me, I had the sergeant formally charged for conduct of prejudicial to good order and military discipline and for the use of government vehicles on an unauthorized journey. His unit remanded the case to me. The sergeant was marched before me and after his charges had been read to me, He pleaded guilty. The sergeant was the severely punished in accordance with military law. That put an end to such acts.
Within a short time, mutual trust and discipline were restored among the soldiers and the trust and understanding generated between the soldiers and the civilian populations.

It can be deduced from the passage that the writer is
A. a Troubleshooting
B.a Nimble soldier
C. an Authoritarian leader
D. a warlord

2. According to the passage
A.the military is the cause of our woes

B. orderliness is the common characteristics tie to the military C. authoritarian behaviour and highhandedness are synonymous to the military
D. institutional discipline is a product of good leadership

3. The purpose of the incidents mentioned in the second and third paragraph is to:
A. that corporal punishment is not excluded in the military
B. prove to extent of the herculean task ahead of the commander
C. corroborate the evidence that discipline was inculcated
D. digress issues from molestation

Get the full Dragnet Past Questions with even more questions, Answers, and explanations

4. Which of command?
A. His liberal approach to issues in command
B. Dealing with the language barrier situation

C. His insistence that soldiers stay in their barracks
D. The introduction of punitive measures

Dragnet Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers - Pdf Download

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Online Proctored Test

1. Can I make use of a phone or an iPad in place of a laptop for the test?
No, only computers(laptop/desktop) can be used to take the test.

2. Must the laptop have a webcam and why do I need a webcam for the test?
A webcam is a compulsory requirement as this would be used to record and monitor your test.

3. Do I have to take the practice test before the actual test?
It is required that you take the practice test as this will prepare you for the actual test but not doing this does not stop you from taking the test.

4. Why I am asked to include??@ to the?password? for practice test?
For the purpose of practice, your password is your email address while you input the username as provided in your invite.

5. How much data can I use to take the test?
You are advised to have at least 1gb worth of data and as well strong internet connection access.



1. How do I record and submit a video of me taking the test?
Kindly be informed your test will be recorded once you start the test and you will be prompted to submit the video after ending your assessment on the test date.

2. Is there an alternative provision for calculator?
You can make use of a clean sheet of paper and a pen for calculation. However, If the assessment you are taking requires a calculator, one will be automatically provided on the test page.

3. Why is it saying ?Please match the requested format, enter valid url??
Copy the test link in an updated chrome or Firefox browser. It will navigate to the secure browser automatically.

4. Why do I get an error message ?Screen Capture/Recording Detected Please stop screen capture/recording and restart the software? whenever I launch the secure browser while using my MacBook?
Please follow the steps below if screen capture/recording is being detected:

  • Go to System Preferences and Click on Security and Privacy
  • Click on Screen Recording option
  • Click on the Lock Icon so that you will be allowed to make changes
  • Use your password to unlock the feature
  • Check the Browser for which the share screen option has to be enabled
  • Quit and reopen the browser so that the functionality works as expected


5. The test link is taking me to DRAGNETFOT.COM
You are not on the correct platform. Please copy and paste the complete test link into an updated Chrome or Firefox browser, it will navigate to secure browser automatically. Ensure you copy from the sb.

6. I tried to login but got a notification: “Invalid username or password”
Your username and password is case sensitive. Please ensure you carefully type exactly what is shown on your test invitation, do not copy and paste.

7. I tried to login but got a notification: ?You are not currently scheduled for an assessment.?
Please check your test invitation and ensure that you are logging at the test date and time indicated on your invite. This could also be that you have already completed the test.

8. Unable to launch the exam browser from the Assessment instruction page.
Confirm that the special secure browser has been installed. If it has, the browser will be launched from here seamlessly.

9. Camera Inaccessible
Please ensure no other?application?on your?system?is?using?the?camera?in the background. Kindly,?check?that your?webcam?is working?properly?at?webcamtests.com

10. Unable to capture ID card and face properly?
Ensure you are in a room with proper lighting. Also, ensure you are properly positioned in front of the webcam with the light reflecting against your face and not behind you. You can either upload a scanned copy of the ID card in jpeg format or capture?your?face?instead.

9. Audio detection page is hanging
Please check that the computer you are using does not have any hardware issues. Talk clearly into the?microphone?for the full five seconds until your audio is fully detected.

10. Unable to submit environment test recording
Ensure?you?are?using?a?fast and stable internet connection, uninstall any anti-virus software on the system for the duration of the test. You can reduce the recording to 30 seconds instead of the required 1 minute.

11. Analyzing picture
Please follow the steps below if your face keeps analyzing:

  • Please ensure that you are sitting in a very well-lit area with the light reflecting against your face and not behind you and move closer to the camera
  • The Exam browser was downloaded using the link sent to you.
  • No other application on your system is using the camera in the background. Ensure you disable applications like Skype, Zoom, Snapchat, Microsoft Teams etc, for the duration of the test.
  • Uninstall any anti-virus software on the system for the duration of the test.
  • Close all tabs including the Talview site and turn off your webcam before launching the TSB.
  • Ensure your internet connection is fast and stable.
  • If this issue persists, you are kindly advised to use another laptop/desktop device.


12. Audio not detected
Please check that the computer you are using does not have any hardware issues. Talk clearly into the?microphone?for the full five seconds until your audio is fully detected.

13. Unable to submit environment test recording
Ensure?you?are?using?a?fast and stable internet connection, uninstall any anti-virus software on the system for the duration of the test. You can reduce the recording to 30 seconds instead of the required 1 minute.

14. Can only view ?Attempt all questions?, ?Next? button not showing?
The ?Next? button would be at the bottom right of the test screen. Use the Control-minus keys to zoom out.

15. Questions are not displaying?
Once you have completed all pretest checks, go through the test instructions and then click on the ?Next? button at the bottom right to proceed to answer questions.

16. Why is it showing me a black blank page after accepting the terms of Proview Remote Cognitive Proctoring?
Please check your internet connection and ensure that you do not have a?security?or antivirus?software that is blocking?the?secure browser?from locking down the?computer, causing a lock-down error. kindly reboot your system after ensuring all these.

17. Restricted software detected (AnyDesk, Gamebar etc.)
Either use the Task Manager to disable the detected application or completely uninstall the application for the duration of the exam.

18. Restricted software detected (Chrome/Firefox/or any other browser)
Follow the instruction in the prompt. Please note that there is the possibility of more than one windows of the browser open.

19. My answer changes when I scroll down to click the next question.
After choosing your answer, click outside the question box to lock in your answer.

20. Why is the recording showing at the bottom of the test page?
This is the standard. The recording evidence is supposed to be displayed at the bottom right of the test page.

21. An error comes up saying; ?Action Required: please refresh the page to continue?
This is usually caused by slow internet connection, if this occurs you are advised to close down the browser, refresh your internet connection or switch to a different network service provider and restart the process immediately.

22. The page keeps loading
All settings take a couple of minutes to load. Slow loading is as a result of internet connection. Please check your connection and try again.

23. My system is frozen
If your system is hanging and you are unable to do anything, kindly reboot and restart the process. If the issue persists, you are advised to change your device.

24. Unable to submit getting the notification ?Error in Submission?.
This is as a result of a poor internet connection please check your internet connection. Do not close or refresh the test window. Try to submit again while ensuring that your network is stable.

25. Video upload stuck at 98%
Your?saved?answers?will be?submitted?automatically?from the?server, if you encountered an error message while trying to?submit?your?test.



1. Will the test result be released?
We do not disclose results to candidates after testing (unless stated otherwise by the client). However, successful candidates will be contacted and all candidates will receive feedback at the end of the exercise.

The DOS and DON?TS of Remote Online Proctoring


  • Test must be taken in a well-lit room
  • Test should be done on a computer with a working webcam and a working microphone
  • Test must be done using a computer with internet connectivity
  • Test must be done without assistance
  • Test should be taken in an environment free of noise and disturbance
  • Writing materials and pen are allowed
  • You must have a valid ID available. This should either be uploaded or put up to the webcam when instructed



  • Do not for any reason leave your computer once you have commenced your test
  • Do not communicate with anyone once the test starts
  • Do not minimize your screen or switch to any other web page once the test starts
  • All communication devices (e.g., Smart phones, Tabs, iPads, etc.) should be kept away before the test starts
  • Do not make or receive phone calls once the test starts
  • Do not have anyone accompany you or sit next to you once the test starts
  • Do not obstruct the webcam at anytime
  • Do not use a mobile device such as phone for this test
  • Do not wear a nose mask for this test
  • Do not use an impersonator as pictures and video captured will be provided to client for interview purpose
  • Do not use a headset/earpiece

Additional information

Test Format

Dragnet Aptitude Test, Dragnet Skill Test

39 reviews for Dragnet Aptitude test – Complete Past Questions & Answers – PDF Download

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  3. Anonymous (verified owner)

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  7. Mubarak Oseni

    Excellent PQ material, and neatly arranged too. Made my preparation easy and questions were repeated for the Chevron test I took. Cheers

  8. Chibuike

    I got the pack, and its good it has numeric n verbal n abstract pastquestions. but no situational judgement as i got in the mail frm dragnet

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Dragnet Aptitude Test Past Questions And Answers - Pdf Download
You're viewing: Dragnet Aptitude test – Complete Past Questions & Answers – PDF Download Original price was: ₦8000.Current price is: ₦4900.
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