However, the CompTIA-Security+ certification is an entry level certification, so you are not expected to have any in-depth knowledge to use this training kit.
To become a CompTIA Security+ certified technician, you must take and pass the SY0-301 exam. The primary goal of this training kit is to help you build a solid foundation of IT knowledge so that you can successfully pass the exam the first time you take it.
The materials covered in this training kit and on exam SY0-301 relate to the technologies a successful security professional is expected to understand. These include risk management, infrastructure security, application security, policy, and confidentiality/integrity/availability controls.
You can download the objectives for the SY0-301 exam from the CompTIA website here:
By using this training kit, you will learn how to do the following:
■■ Conduct risk assessment and risk management activities.
■■ Respond to a security incident.
■■ Understand the risks associated with cloud computing and virtualization.
■■ Explain the various types of network security devices and technologies.
■■ Design a network with adequate security controls.
■■ Administer network security controls on an ongoing basis.
■■ Secure wireless networks with acceptable encryption.
■■ Provide adequate environmental and operational security controls.
■■ Understand the threats on the security landscape.
■■ Deploy defenses to prevent and mitigate attacks.
■■ Conduct vulnerability assessments and manage vulnerabilities.
■■ Secure applications against attack.
■■ Secure operating systems against common threats.
■■ Use encryption to protect information at rest and in motion.
■■ Deploy access controls to implement identification, authentication, and authorization.
However, the CompTIA Security+ certification is an entry level certification, so you are not expected to have any in-depth knowledge to use this training kit.
To become a CompTIA Security+ certified technician, you must take and pass the SY0-301 exam. The primary goal of this training kit is to help you build a solid foundation of IT knowledge so that you can successfully pass the exam the first time you take it.
The materials covered in this training kit and on exam SY0-301 relate to the technologies a successful security professional is expected to understand. These include risk management, infrastructure security, application security, policy, and confidentiality/integrity/availability controls.
You can download the objectives for the SY0-301 exam from the CompTIA website here:
By using this training kit, you will learn how to do the following:
■■ Conduct risk assessment and risk management activities.
■■ Respond to a security incident.
■■ Understand the risks associated with cloud computing and virtualization.
■■ Explain the various types of network security devices and technologies.
■■ Design a network with adequate security controls.
■■ Administer network security controls on an ongoing basis.
■■ Secure wireless networks with acceptable encryption.
■■ Provide adequate environmental and operational security controls.
■■ Understand the threats on the security landscape.
■■ Deploy defenses to prevent and mitigate attacks.
■■ Conduct vulnerability assessments and manage vulnerabilities.
■■ Secure applications against attack.
■■ Secure operating systems against common threats.
■■ Use encryption to protect information at rest and in motion.
■■ Deploy access controls to implement identification, authentication, and authorization.
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