
31 Days Before Your CCNA Security Exam PDF Study pack- PDF Download


This ebook guides you through the CCNA Security certification exam preparation.


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This ebook guides you through the CCNA Security certification exam preparation.




Sample of 31 Days Before Your CCNA Security Exam PDF Study pack

Goals and Methods
The main goal of this book is to provide you with a clear and succinct review of the CCNA
Security exam objectives. Each day’s exam topics are grouped into a common conceptual framework and uses the following format:
■ A title for the day that concisely states the overall topic
■ A list of one or more CCNA Security IINS 210-260 exam topics to be reviewed
■ A Key Topics section to introduce the review material and quickly orient you to the
day’s focus
■ An extensive review section consisting of short paragraphs, lists, tables, examples, and graphics
■ A Study Resources section to provide you a quick reference for locating more in-depth treatment of the day’s topics (as introduced in the previous section)
The book counts down starting with Day 31 and continues through exam day to provide post-test
information. You will also find a calendar and checklist inside the book that you can tear out and
use during your exam preparation.
Use the calendar to enter each actual date beside the countdown day and the exact day, time, and
location of your CCNA Security exam. The calendar provides a visual for the time that you can
dedicate to each CCNA Security exam topic.
The checklist highlights important tasks and deadlines leading up to your exam. Use it to help map
out your studies.
Who Should Read This Book?
The audience for this book is anyone finishing their preparation for taking the CCNA Security
IINS 210-260 exam. A secondary audience is anyone who needs a refresher review of CCNA
Security exam topics, perhaps before attempting to recertify.
Getting to Know the CCNA Security IINS 210-260 Exam
Cisco launched the newest version of the CCNA Security exam, numbered 210-260, on
September 1, 2015. The exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of secure network infrastructure,
core security concepts, managing secure access, VPN encryption, firewalls, intrusion prevention, web and email content security, and endpoint security. It also validates skills for installation,
troubleshooting, and monitoring of a secure network to maintain integrity, confidentiality, and
availability of data and devices. As a prerequisite, Cisco states that a candidate must be CCENT or
CCNA Routing and Switching certified before attempting the exam.
Currently for the CCNA Security exam, you are allowed 90 minutes to answer 60 to 70 questions.
Most recently, a passing score is 860 on a scale of 300 to 1000, but the passing score often rises
as the exam matures. If you’ve never taken a certification exam before with Pearson VUE, there
is a 2 minute 45 second video titled What to Expect in a Pearson VUE Test Center that nicely…….

Study Resources
Cisco Press offers an abundance of network security books and resources to serve you well as you
learn how to install, troubleshoot, and monitor network devices to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices. Most of the resources can be purchased in book form
or as eBooks for your tablet reader or mobile device by visiting www.ciscopress.com.
Safari Books Online

Primary Resources
First on the list is the CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide, written by Omar Santos and
John Stuppi. The authors have done an outstanding job of gathering together and organizing all
the material you need to study for the CCNA Security certification exam. It is available in print
(ISBN: 978158720568) and Premium Edition eBook (ISBN: 9780134077895) versions. The print
version comes with the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine and two practice exams, as………..

Supplemental Resources
In addition to the book you hold in your hands and to those mentioned previously, there are
three more supplemental resources I would recommend to augment your final 31 days of review
and preparation.
Omar Santos, Aaron Woland, and Mason Haris recorded more than 13 hours of video in their
CCNA Security 210-260 Complete Video Course (ISBN: 9780134499314), which is available free
with your Safari Books Online account. You can also purchase it separately from Cisco Press. The
authors talk you through the full range of topics on the CCNA Security exam using a variety of
presentation styles, including live instructor whiteboarding, real-world demonstrations, animations
of network activity, dynamic KeyNote presentations, and doodle videos. They also demonstrate
router, switch, and ASA CLI/ASDM configuration and troubleshooting in real lab environments,
enabling you to learn both the concepts and the hands-on application.
Cisco Press has recently published the second edition of the very popular CCNA Security Portable
Command Guide (ISBN: 9781587205750), by Bob Vachon. This book summarizes all the relevant
Cisco IOS Software security commands, keywords, command arguments, and associated prompts,
and offers tips and examples for applying these commands to real-world security challenges. Bob
also includes ASDM screenshots to help when configuring the Cisco ASA.
The second book I would suggest is Cisco ASA: All-in-One Next-Generation Firewall, IPS, and VPN
Services, Third Edition (ISBN: 9781587143076), written by Jazib Frahim, Omar Santos, and Andrew
Ossipov. This is an amazingly detailed resource (1248 pages!) on configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting the entire Cisco ASA firewall family. True, it goes beyond the CCNA Security exam
topics, but if you’re a geek like me, you’ll enjoy delving more deeply into the ASA with this book.
I occasionally reference other Cisco Press books for more specific topics. The simplest way to
access this extra content is with a Safari Books Online subscription.
So, which resources should you buy? That question is largely up to how deep your pockets are
or how much you like books. If you’re like me, you want it all…online access for mobile and
tablet reading, as well as hard copies for intensive study sessions with a pencil in hand. I admit
it; my bookcase is a testament to my “geekness.” But that’s not practical for most students. So if
you are on a budget, then choose one of the primary study resources and one of the supplemental
resources, such as the CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide and the CCNA Security Portable>>>..=


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