The School of Nursing Seventh Day Adventist Past Questions and Answers has been compiled from past years aptitude test exams conducted by the School of Nursing Seventh Day Adventist Past Questions . We have taken time in solving the questions contained in these past question papers with the most appropriate answers, meaning you won’t have to spend time searching for the correct answers.
We have worked tirelessly to get the best and up-to-date copy of the School of Nursing Seventh Day Adventist Past Questions and compile them into one pdf file and we would advice you to follow strictly the instruction provided on this page.
Past questions can help students determine which areas they are strong with and where they need help. It is also helpful in a sense that it can help students think on how they can understand tricky questions and plan how they will answer correctly.
How is This School of Nursing Seventh Day Adventist Past Questions Patterned?
We have made it simple for you. we bring all the questions which is usually in objective format. We have put them together but we indicate the specific years for every question and the correct answers in order to save your time. All you need to do is to devote quality time to study the Past Questions.
Free Sample questions from School of Nursing Seventh Day Adventist Past Questions
1. The areas of two similar triangles are 81 sq. cm and 49 sq. cm. Find the ratio of their corresponding heights.
(A) 9:7
(B) 7:9
(C) 6:5
(D) 81:49
2. A line which cuts a pair of parallel lines is called
(A) tangent
(B) chord
(C) traversal
(D) intersector
3. An angle whose value is ____, is called complete angle.
(A) 180°
(B) 240°
(C) 360°
(D) none of the above
4.The areas of two similar triangles are 81 sq. cm and 49 sq. cm. Find the ratio of their corresponding heights.
(A) 9:7
(B) 7:9
(C) 6:5
(D) 81:49
5. If the length and breadth of a rectangle are increased by a% and b% respectively, then the area will be increased by
(A) (a-b+2ab/100)%
(B) (a+b+2ab/100)%
(C) (a+b+ab/100)%
(D) (a-b+ab/100)%
6. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 14, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working together, they will complete the work in
(A) 19/9 days
(B) 27 days
(C) 28/9 days
(D) 25/8 days
7. If Px= Qy= Rz and Q/P = R/Q, then 2z/(x+z) = ?
(A) y/z
(B) y/x
(C) x/y
(D) z/y
8. A shopkeeper purchases 15 mangoes for Rs. 10 and sells them at 10 mangoes for Rs. 15. Thus, he earns a profit of
(A) 50%
(B) 75%
(C) 80%
(D) 125%
9. 4950/6 + 112 x 1.75 = ? x 2
(A) 510.5
(B) 505.2
(C) 515.5
(D) none of the above
10. If a certain sum of money can become 5 times of its principal in 10 years, then the rate of interest is
(A) 20%
(B) 30%
(C) 40%
(D) 50%
11. An amount of Rs. 10,000 becomes Rs. 20,736 in 2 years. If the rate of interest is compounded half yearly, what is the annual rate of interest?
(A) 25%
(B) 20%
(C) 40%
(D) 30%
12. What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the following series?
2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 31, 50, ?
(A) 81
(B) 74
(C) 69
(D) none of the above
13. In an equilateral triangle has the height of 12 cm then what is the area of the triangle?
(A) 42√3 c.c.
(B) 48√3 c.c.
(C) 24√3 c.c.
(D) 34√3 c.c.
14. The monthly income and monthly expenditure ratio of A and B are 5:6 and 4:5 respectively. If both of them can have Rs. 500 as monthly savings, then what is the income of A?
(A) Rs. 3,000
(B) Rs, 500
(C) Rs. 5,000
(D) Rs. 2,500
15. Find out the least number which when multiplied by 45, the result becomes a perfect square.
(A) 9
(B) 15
(C) 5
(D) None of the above
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