These PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION questions and answers were pulled from our book (PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION questions for Primary 5); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Exam Questions and Answers
1. Where is the human skeleton is mostly found?
A. Inside the blood
B. Inside the body covered by the flesh
C. Outside the body
D. In the blood
2. The lower limbs are joined to the _________.
A. hip bone
B. back bone
C. thigh bone
D. scapular
3. What are muscles?
A. They are the fleshy part of the body.
B. The bones in the body.
C. The rubber in the body.
D. The meat of the human body.
4. The arm is joined to the ________.
A. pelvic bone
B. centre bone
C. shoulder bone
D. rib cage
5. Smoking cigarette causes __________.
A. whitening of the teeth
B. lung cancer
C. strengthening of the teeth
D. cholera
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6. What makes you grow heavier and taller?
A. Bad food
B. Mineral
C. Beer
D. Good food
7. Football makes you _______.
A. think slower
B. run faster and better
C. laugh better
D. fatter and lazy
8. What is one of the evidence of growth in boys?
A. Large chest
B. Big breast
C. Big eyes
D. Big nose
9. Girls take _________than boys.
A. bad care of themselves
B. better care of themselves
C. their health for granted
D. all of the above
10. Football game makes you _______.
A. dull
B. struggle
C. smarter
D. lazier