
NDDC Scholarship Agric Economics Past Questions And Answers [Free – Download]

NDDC Scholarship Agric Economics Past Questions And Answers [Free – Download] The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Scholarship offers a golden opportunity for aspiring Agricultural economists to advance their education and career prospects. However, securing this prestigious scholarship requires thorough preparation and a deep understanding of the subject matter. One of the most effective tools […]

NDDC Scholarship Agric Economics Past Questions And Answers [Free – Download]

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Scholarship offers a golden opportunity for aspiring Agricultural economists to advance their education and career prospects. However, securing this prestigious scholarship requires thorough preparation and a deep understanding of the subject matter. One of the most effective tools at your disposal is the NDDC Scholarship Agric Economics Past Questions and Answers.  we will explore the significance of these past questions, their unique advantages, and how they can propel you towards success in the NDDC Scholarship application process

What Makes Our NDDC Scholarship Past Questions Stand Out?

  1. Relevance to the Scholarship Examination: The NDDC Scholarship Past Questions are specifically tailored to the scholarship examination conducted by the Niger Delta Development Commission. They cover topics and subject areas that are closely related to the fields of study eligible for the scholarship, ensuring that candidates can focus on the most pertinent and likely exam material.
  2. Accuracy and Reliability: The past questions are curated and verified by experts in the respective fields, guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. Candidates can trust that the content aligns with the scholarship examination’s standards and requirements.

About NDDC Scholarship Test Style and Format (Updated)

NDDC overseas scholarship test was conducted by Cinfores-Ltd, between 2010 and 2015. Since 2016, the tests are now conducted by MEIL (MARG Educational International Limited).

The test usually comprises of 2 sections –
1. General questions which everyone will have to sit, and
2. Discipline-based questions.
For example, candidates in Engineering and Science related disciplines could take a mix of science-based questions like maths, English, physics, and chemistry for part 1, then discipline-specific questions for part 2.
2016 and 2017 tests contained more discipline-specific tests and English language tests as general papers. The test usually lasts between 30 to 60 minutes.

Sample Past Questions for NDDC Scholarship Aptitude Test – for Agric Economics candidates

1.an application al the accounting principles ta the business al farming:
AFarm planning
B.Farm budgeting
C.Farm accau nting
D Marketing

2. Beef’ and ‘hides’ are examples al:
A Independent enterprise
B. Joint enterprise
C. Supplementary enterprise
D. Competitive enterprise

3. Which al the fallowing is nal correctly matched?
A App rises continuously till APP and MPP is both equal.
B. MPP rises continuously – Till MPP is more than APP
C. TPP rises continuously – Till MPP is nat equal ta Zero
D. APP & MPP both fall but TPP rises. When MPP is less than APP but mare than zero

4. Rent is the price paid for the use of land” who said it?
A Ricardo
B. Carber
C. Keynes
D. None of above

5.”Under free and prefect competition there could not be any involuntary unemployment amongst wage earners in the labour market”. This theory was established by:
A Prof. J.B. Say
B. Prof. Pigou
C. Prof. Keynes
D. None of above

6. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A Elasticity of production = Stage Ill of classical production function greater than unity
B. Negative marginal product= Stage Ill of classical production function
C. Negative elasticity of production = Stage Ill of classical production function
D. Average product decreases but is greater than marginal product = Stage II of classical production function

7. A single convenient unit in production for which technical co-efficient are calculated is known

A Units of accounting
B. Technical units
C. Marginal units
D. None of the above

8.A statement, which shows the financial condition and stability of the business at a particular point of time, is known as:
A Net worth statement
B. Business statement
C. Physical efficiency measures
D. None of the above

9.Mr Uche farms in Nnewi. One of these is not a factor he considers in producing his crops:

A Water
B. Labour
C. Land
D. Capital

10.The other name of overhead cost is:
A Fixed cost
B. Variable cost
C. Total cost
D. MarginaI cost

11.A.P.P. Will be equal to (Y = output, X = input):
A. X/Y
B. X/Y x 100
C. Y/X
D. None of above

12. Above 15% farmers had land holding in between:
A. 2-4 ha
B. 0-1 ha
C. 1-2 ha
D. None of the above

13.Symbol used for purity of agricultural goods is:
A. ISi
C .@
D. All of the above

14.Absence integration between resources and activities in the process of production is called:

15.Average fixed cost is equal to:
A Total fixed cost/ 100
B.Total fixed cost/total variable cost
C.Total fixed cost/output
D. Total fixed cost/Input

Section 2

1. Basic fundamental law of agriculture is:
A Law of diminishing return
B. Law of equimarginal return
C. Law of substitution
D. Law of demand and supply

2.Who was the first economist to have evolved the technique of indifference curve analysis?
A David Ricardo
B. Bohm Bawerk
C. F.Y. Edgeworth
D. AC. Pigou

3. Break-even point is determined by:

4. Building machinery and implements are examples of: A Variable resources
B. Fixed resources
C. Flow resources
D. None of the above

5.Crop farming and milk production is an example of:
A Competitive enterprise
B. Complementary enterprise
C. Supplementary enterprise
D. None of them

6. Cropping intensity and gestation period of the crops grown is:
A Inversely related
B. Directly related
C. Exponentially related
D. Not interrelated

7.Dairy farming, poultry farming, crop farming and pig farming are:
A Types of farming
B. System of farming
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

8.Decisions are continuously made in the day to day operations of farm business and involve small investment are known as:
A Strategic decisions
B. Marketing decisions
C. Operational decisions
D. None of the above

9. Decisions on construction of buildings are comes under:
A Operational decisions
B. Administrative decisions
C. Strategic decisions
D. Selling decisions

10.Decisions regarding irrigation, conservation and reclamation programmes are comes under:
A Buying decisions
B. Selling decisions
C. Marketing decisions
D. Strategic decisions

11.Decisions regarding selection of enterprise are known as:
A Marketing decisions
B. Buying decisions
C. Administrative decisions
D. Operational decisions

12.Decrease in demand means:
A Demand change due to change in price
B. Demand changes not due to the change in price but due to income
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

13.Extension is demand means:
A Change in demand due to change in price
B. Change in demand due to change in income
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

14.Which one of the following formulae gives the correct measure of ‘Rate of Capital turnover’?
A (Gross income/Total farm assets) x 100
B. (Net income/ Total farm assets) x 100
C. (Farm business income / Total farm assets) x 100
D. (Capital investment/ Total farm assets) x 100

14.Fasts and findings of other science are coordinated for the solution of various problems of individual farmers with view to achieving certain desired goals, hence, farm management is:
A Micro Approach Science
B. Practical Science
C. Integrating Science
D. Broader Field

15.Farm budgets are used to:
A Compare economic profitability of different production activities within or among farms
B. Indicate wheather a proposed change will be profitable under a given set of factors
C. Explore conditions under which certain farm practices become profitable or unprofitable
D. Do all the above

Want more questions like this? Get the Complete NDDC Scholarship Agric Economics Past Questions And Answers [Free – Download],  with even more questions and answers
NDDC Scholarship Agric Economics Past Questions And Answers [Free - Download]

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