These Literature In English questions and answers were pulled from our book (Literature In English questions for SS 1); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Literature In English Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. The novel, the novella and the short story are the major sub-genres of ________.
A. non-fiction
B. prose
C. poetry
D. drama
2. A _________ is an emotional discharge through which one can achieve a state of moral or spiritual renewal or achieve a state of liberation from anxiety and stress.
A. catharsis
B. cadence
C. ballad
D. soliloquy
Read the passage and answer the question.
The long column of misery tended to grow longer, as the more robust struggled to get as far as possible from the pursuing French, and as the weaker fell farther and farther behind. There were enough weaklings. In all conscience, even in summer, the men had been badly clothed, and even in victory, insufficiently fed, and now, it is winter, and Espinosa had been fought and lost, and the route of the retreat lay away from the fertile plains and up into the inhospitable mountains.
The rain had fallen upon them in deluges for days, and now as they climbed higher, it was turning into sleet, and a bitter cold wind blew. Ahead of them, they could see the snow lying thick on the mountain passes, through which they would have to climb, without food or fuel or rest, and with terror of the French to urge them on. Disease had come inevitably to complete the work so well begun by hunger, exposure and the sword.
3. The device used in the last sentence is ________.
A. climax
B. sarcasm
C. euphemism
D. hyperbole
During this speech the elders who didn’t understand a word of what their learned secretary was saying nodded approval intermittently. When it was over, the elders said, “yes, they had a learned man indeed, a man who could speak for them, a man who knew the wisdom of the old white people. Not like the small boys nowadays who can’t even read a telegram
4. In this text, the elders are presented as ______.
A. very admirable people
B. decent and honest
C. impressed by the secretary
D. impressively learned
E. distinctly progressive
5. The Italian sonnet is made up of ___________.
A. Two quatrains and two octave
B. three rhymed couplet and one octave
C. Three quatrains and one sestet
D. One octave and one sestet
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6. Which of the following is not a type of irony?
A. Socratic irony
B. Aristocratic irony
C. Tragic irony
D. Cosmic irony
7. A character portraying hubris, is commonly referred to as __________.
A. hybrid
B. antagonist
C. protagonist
D. hybris
The month of July crept in. The sky, like a hooded monk wore black, as in mourning, ready to shed. The sky sending high and low alike scurrying into hiding. The town had never known such a downpour, it was forty-eight hours of weeping by both the heavens.
8. The underlined expression is a connotation for the ________.
A. rulers of the village
B. women and their children
C. chiefs and their subjects
D. rich and poor
9. One of the dominant literary device used in the poem is _______.
A. hyperbole
B. simile
C. assonance
D. metaphor
His mind flitted back memory lane. He remembered how time worked quietly in, like a thief in the night and then put the sword in the heart of the land. He remembered his wife and two lovely kids, all skin pitilessly by the beast in khaki.
10. The mood of the narration is one of _________.
A. gloom
B. serenity
C. anxiety
D. indifference