Working with a leading energy company in Nigeria such as Oando can offer amazing career opportunities tailored for you. However, it is important to practice Oando Aptitude Test beforehand as the process is usually very competitive
About Oando Aptitude test
Oando Job Aptitude test is usually conducted by Workforce Group. The recruitment process involves 2 assessment stages; which are
- Online Aptitude test and
- Physical assessment.
The nature of questions you will face on these assessments includes:
- Numerical reasoning: Calculation tests, and/or questions about facts and figures, that assess your quantitative abilities.
- Verbal Reasoning: Evaluates your grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension, with a given text that you will analyze, and will be asked questions about.
- Critical and Logical reasoning: Non-verbal and/ or verbal tests, that assess your information evaluation and attention to details.
- Error checking assessment: Assesses your dominant traits by asking Yes/No questions, statements with Least-Most scales, and similar questions.
- Abstract Reasoning: You will be given multiple-choice questions about the logic of symbols and patterns, to examine how you work out new concepts and abstract ideas.
2019/2020 Oando recruitment aptitude test will be administered by Workforce (ALLDAY HR). To better prepare, you should get the official past questions pack for Oando aptitude test.
What Makes Oando Aptitude Tests Uniquely Challenging?
Oando Aptitude tests are often difficult for many candidates. This is for a few key reasons, which we’ll outline here.
1) Time Limit
Given enough time, almost every candidate will pass Oando’s aptitude test. But the sad truth is, time will never be enough. As mentioned previously, you generally have between 45 seconds and 1 minutes per question on average. At the lower end of that scale, that’s really tough. In fact, making it to the end is a feat in itself.
Having the ability and confidence to be able to interpret the data, decide what needs to be done, and then perform those operations quickly is challenging, so practice is essential. Not to mention, other aspects of the test which involves interpreting complex shapes and understanding advanced comprehension passages.
2) Multiple Operations
Many questions won’t have a straightforward answer. You won’t, for example, only have to multiply two numbers to reach the solution.
This is an often-overlooked skill that only comes from practice. You might be a whizz at the actual addition, multiplication, percentages and so on, but you’ll still be left behind if you can’t quickly and accurately identify exactly which operations you need to do, and in what order.
Make sure you practice how to work with the question in relation to the data you’re given. You need to be able to quickly see how you can answer the question from what’s in front of you.
3) Maths
Sometimes the mathematical skills themselves can be difficult –especially if maths isn’t your strongest area. When you factor in the previous two difficulties – the time limit and understanding how to answer the question – the pressure of the situation can very easily make it difficult to perform.
What Maths Knowledge Do I Need to Pass?
The good news is that you won’t need any particularly advanced mathematical skills. Certainly, things like algebra or trigonometry are out. So you need to focus on honing the basics.
In particular, make sure you’re comfortable with:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Division
- Multiplication
- Working with percentages, ratios and fractions
- Converting currency
- Reading graphs and tables
- Inflation and rebasing
And remember: you will be under pressure, both from a strict time limit and from the importance of the test. Though these skills are simple, they need to be second-nature. Practice them until they are.
You will usually NOT be allowed to use a calculator. At home (online test), you are free, but at workforce assessment centres they are usually not allowed. Nevertheless, always bring your own with you just in case.
In addition to these basic skills, you will also need a good grasp of how to string them together to arrive at an answer. You may need to interpret a graph and then perform a number of different operations on different numbers along it, to reach the solution.
How to ace Oando aptitude test?
Teststreams can help you with this preparation: Our Study Packs™ include study guides, hundreds of practice questions.
- Study in advance with Teststreams’s Oando past questions study packs™
- Timed tests that will improve your performance. We recommend Myjobtests online practice
- Get help from other candidates via our exclusive whatsapp group
About Oando company
With headquarters located in Lagos, Nigeria and offices spread across Abuja, South Africa, Dubai, etc. Oando operates an oil and gas business and manages various subsidiaries in the energy sector.
Oando’s Hiring Process
The recruitment process at Oando might change according to the position you are applying for, its level, your experience and knowledge, and other parameters. The breakdown below explains the basic steps:
- Application: Apply online.
- Aptitude test: You may be required to take an online test. If you are successful, you could be invited for further tests conducted by workforce group.
- Interview: You will have an onsite interview with the professional manager.
- Assessment Centre: You will be invited for an assessment day. During this day, there might be interviews, tests, and group activities such as discussion, presentation and acting out scenarios. The Assessment Centre helps in getting a more accurate perspective of you as a candidate, and if you make a good fit for the company and the relevant position.
Oando’s Interview Questions
During the interview, the questions below might be asked. Therefore, prepare good answers in advance.
- Walk me through your CV.
- Which qualities make you a prime candidate for this role?
- What do you know about the energy industry in general, and about us in particular?
- What would your previous bosses say about you?