These History questions and answers were pulled from our book (History questions for SS 1); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample History Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. The Sierra Leone trading company was set up to ______.
A. trade in slaves in West Africa
B. encourage legitimate trade with the Africans
C. annex Sierra Leone with the British Empire
D. provide economic support for the early settlers in Freetown
E. build a factory to manufacture goods locally in Freetown
2. The problem of the early Christian missionaries in Nigeria included all the following except the ______.
A. unhealthy climate
B. small number of volunteers
C. lack of co-operation from Nigeria
D. inadequate transport facilities
E. language and culture
3. Which of the following is a 19th century Christian missionary?
A. Stanley
B. Mellington
C. Clapperton
D. Johnson
4. Which of the following is a center from which many missionaries ventured forth in the 19th and 20th century?
A. Cross River
B. Bonny
C. Calabar
D. Kalabari
5. The first African to win a nobel prize was ______.
A. Nelson Mandela
B. Wole Soyinka
C. Desmond Tutu
D. Albert Luthuli
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DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. Duties of the farba in the Mali empire included all except ______.
A. collection of taxes
B. reporting the activities of the territory
C. trade
D. native administration
2. Islam reached West Africa through _________.
A. Mai’s of Bornu
B. Usman Dan Fodio’s jihad
C. Arab merchants
D. None of the above
3. The strongest and most centralized theocracy that resulted from the 19th century jihads was established by ______.
A. Seku Ahmadu
B. Usman Dan Fodio
C. Ahmadu III
D. Al-Hajj Umar
4. Taghazza was known for its _____.
A. gold
B. ivory
C. salt
D. trade
5. The Mandinka people are located in _____.
A. East Africa
B. West Africa
C. North Africa
D. None of the above