Government Exam Questions and Answers for SS1
These Government questions and answers were pulled from our book (Government questions for SS 1); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Government Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. All the following are features of a representative government except _______.
A. equality of rights
B. legitimate government
C. periodic election
D. secession
2. The best way to keep military out of politics in developing countries is to _____.
A. pay soldiers better salaries
B. imprison coup plotters
C. outlaw coup plotting
D. ensure good governance
3. Power is different from authority because power lacks ____________.
A. ability
B. sovereignty
C. probity
D. legitimacy
4. When government power is concentrated in one single central authority, it is called ______.
A. centralization
B. concentration
C. devolution
D. confederation
5. Fundamental human right are entrenched in the constitution of a state in order to_______.
A. encourage unlimited freedom
B. enabled the court to punish offenders
C. restrict the liberty of citizens
D. guarantee the liberty of citizens
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DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. A Nigerian may lose his/her if he/she _______.
A. is convicted of a criminal offence
B. renounces it in exchange for another
C. loses his/her international passport
D. fail to pay his taxes
2. Duties and obligations of a citizen exclude _______.
A. service to the nation
B. care of public property
C. destroying the image of fellow citizen
D. payment of taxes
3. The right of the citizen is not protected where there is ________.
A. good governance
B. a dictator ruler
C. supremacy of law
D. independent judiciary
4. Freedom of the press helps her to _______.
A. be above board
B. escape libel charges
C. play a watch-dog role
D. be loyal to the government
5. Civil liberty does not mean right to ________.
A. own property
B. life
C. fair hearing
D. murder