Geography Exam Questions and Answers for SS1
These Geography questions and answers were pulled from our book (Geography questions for SS1 ); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Geography Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. Which location is best for a bakery?
A. Near a source of good clean water
B. Near a large market for bread
C. In an area of cheap labour
D. Near a regular source
2. Which of the options is not under the classification of industries?
A. Heavy industries.
B. Light industries.
C. Producer goods industries.
D. Consumer goods industries.
3. A theory of management that analyses and synthesizes processes to improve labour productivity is ______ .
A. scientific management
B. Fordism
C. paradigm shift
D. holistic approach
4. What is the name for the process whereby a manufacturing enterprise produce goods which form raw materials for other manufacturing enterprises?
A. Forward linkage
B. Value added
C. Backward linkage
D. Sub-contracting
5. What can hinder the dominance of light industries in developing countries?
A. Inadequate light industries
B. Inadequate capital
C. High energy consumption
D. No land for industries
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DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. What is the busiest shipping route in the world?
A. North Atlantic
B. Trans pacific
C. South Atlantic
D. Panama canal
2. What is meant by the term gauge in rail transport?
A. It is the length of the rails in a country.
B. It is the weight of the vehicles that the rails can bear.
C. It is the amount of rainfall experienced along the rails.
D. It is the distance between rails of a track
3. The group of products that is transported in large quantities to the St Lawrence Great lakes water – ways are _____, _______ and _________.
A. crude oil, wheat, cotton
B. iron ore, bauxite, cattle
C. wheat, iron ore, crude oil
D. wheat, iron ore, banana
4. Which of the following countries operated its railways on three different gauges?
A. Australia
B. India
C. South Africa
D. U.S.A
5. Major African rivers have limited value for transportation because_______.
A. the river channels are interrupted by rapids, falls and sandbars
B. the river courses are too narrow for vessels
C. rail transport is cheaper than water transport
D. the rivers flow through sparsely populated areas