These Verbal Reasoning questions and answers were pulled from our book ( Verbal Reasoning questions for Primary 1); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Verbal Reasoning Exam Questions and Answers
Fill in the blank space with the correct option.
1. Narrow and wide, Smooth and _____.
A. straight
B. rough
C. sharp
D. long
E. round
Study the paired words and carefully choose from the options lettered A to E the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the first two pairs.
2. (series, serial), vies, vial), (dies, ______)
A. deal
B. dale
C. side
D. dial
E. dears
Fill in the blank space with the correct option.
3. bird and wings, person and _______.
A. ears
B. lungs
C. fingers
D. eyes
E. legs
Study the paired words and carefully choose from the options lettered A to E the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the first two pairs.
4. (late, loot), (hate, hoot), (fate, ______)
A. foal
B. fool
C. foot
D. foul
E. food
Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate option.
5. Cat and fish, dog and ______.
A. fowl
B. home
C. bone
D. puppy
E. rice
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6. Choose the word that DOES NOT belong to the group.
A. brake
B. road
C. wheel
D. engine
E. tyre
Choose the correct option.
7. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. Hoe
B. Book
C. Cutlass
D. Shovel
E. Spade
8. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. Car
B. Aeroplane
C. Train
D. Motor-cycle
E. Mountain
Choose the one option that CANNOT be formed by an arrangement of some or all the letters of the word written in capital letters. DO NOT use any letter more often than it appears in the word written in capital letters.
A. Attire
B. Late
C. Ruler
D. Tear
E. True
Study the paired words and carefully choose from the options lettered A to E the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the first two pairs.
10. Would, weld; moult, melt; mound _____.
A. done
B. mend
C. deem
D. meat
E. mean