These Social Studies questions and answers were pulled from our book (Social Studies questions for JSS 1); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Social Studies Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. The title of the traditional ruler of Kano is _____________.
A. Emir
B. King
C. Oba
D. Oni
E. Ohi
2. The horses on the Nigerian coat of arm the ____________ of Nigeria.
A. dignity and pride
B. strength
C. good soil
D. good people
3. Who headed the Fulani Empire when it was first established?
A. King Aminu
B. Queen Amina
C. Usman Dan Fodio
D. Sultan of Sokoto
4. The __________ tribe lives in segmented and fragmented political units.
A. Igbo
B. Hausa
C. Yoruba
D. Ijaw
E. Igala
5. Who conquered the Habe rulers and ruled the Hausas according to Islamic practices?
A. Queen Amina
B. Northern protectorates
C. Usman Dan Fodio
D. Lord Lugard
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DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. Your nephew is your ___________.
A. brother
B. sister’s son inlaw
C. aunty’s son
D. cousines son
E. brother or sister’s son
2. The Head of the State Judiciary is called ___________.
A. Speaker
B. General Justice
C. Attorney General
D. Commissioner for Youth
E. Chief Judge
3. The ______ is not a voluntary organization.
A. Red Cross Society
B. Nigerian Navy
C. Boys’ Scout
D. Girls’ Guide
E. Man O’ War
4. Islam came through the __________.
A. Arabs
B. Hausas
C. merchants
D. Tuaregs
E. Buddahs
5. A person who is excessively interested in religious matters is called ______________.
A. a religious extremist
B. a deity humanist
C. a religious fanatic
D. an atheist
E. a religionist