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We have compiled these Free School of Nursing St Geralds Hospital Kakuri Past Questions and answers from our study pack School of Nursing St Geralds Hospital Kakuri- PDF Download. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Free School of Nursing St Geralds Hospital Kakuri- PDF Download
Below are a few sample questions that appeared in the past school of Nursing St Geralds Hospital Kakuri Exam. You can click here to Download the full version of the past questions in PDF Format. School of Nursing St Geralds Hospital Kakuri- PDF Download
Use of English
1. Choose from the options nearest in meaning to the word underlined.
I cannot understand why Ali should serve in that moribund administration.
A. oppressive
B. prodigal
C. crumbling
D. purposeless
2. Choose from the options nearest in meaning to the word underlined.
Does the conference Centre cater for transients only?
A. temporary guest
B. professional
C. permanent guests
D. novices
3. Identify the word that has stress on the first syllable.
A. resist
B. salon
C. confirm
D. intact
4. Choose the word that does not have the same vowel sound as the others.
A. toil
B. rejoice
C. enjoy
D. log
5. Choose the options opposite in meaning to the underlined word(s).
As these boys never act in public, the police are now worried about their conversion activities.
A. ignoble
B. evil
C. open
D. cryptic
1 . What mass of water is produced when 8.0g of hydrogen reacts with excess oxygen?
[H = 1, O = 16]
A. 36.0g
B. 8.0g
C. 72.0g
D. 16.0g
2 . A particle that contains 9 protons, 10 neutrons, and 10 electrons is a
A. negative ion
B. positive ion
C. neutral atom of non-metal
D. neutral atom of a metal
3. Cancerous growths are cured by exposure to
A. γ - rays
B. β - rays
C. α - rays
D. infrared rays
4. Millikan's contribution to the development of atomic theory is the determination of
A. charge on an electron
B. positive rays
C. charge to mass ratio
D. cathode rays
5. When air which contains the gases Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and rare gases, is passed through alkaline pyrogallol and then over quicklime, the only gases left are?
A. nitrogen and carbon dioxide
B. the rare gases
C. nitrogen and oxygen
D. nitrogen and the rare gases
E. nitrogen, carbon dioxide and the rare gases
Click here to get the complete School of Nursing St Geralds Hospital Kakuri Past Questions studypack
1. The height at which the atmosphere ceases to exist is about 80km. If the atmospheric pressure on the ground level is 760mmHg, the pressure at a height of 20km above the ground level is
A. 380mmHg
B. 570mmHg
C. 190mmHg
D. 480mmHg
2. A stone of mass 1kg is dropped from a height of 10m above the ground and falls freely under gravity. Its kinetic energy 5m above the ground is then equal to
A. its kinetic energy on the ground
B. twice its initial potential energy
C. its initial potential energy
D. half its initial potential energy
3. When the brakes in a car are applied, the frictional force on the tires is
A. is a disadvantage because it is in the direction of the motion of the car
B. is a disadvantage because it is in the opposite direction of the motion of the car
C. is an advantage because it is in the direction of the motion of the car
D. is an advantage because it is in the opposite direction of the motion of the car
4. I. The earth is not spherical but elliptical in shape
II. Variation in latitude and longitude
III. Rotation of the earth on its axis
IV. Variation in the density of the earth
On which combination of the above does the weight of an object vary on the earth's surface?
A. I, II, III and IV
B. III and IV only
C. I, II and III only
D. I and II only
5. The efficiency of a machine is always less than 100% because the
A. work output is always greater than the work input
B. load lifted is always greater than the effort applied
C. effort applied is always greater than the load lifted
D. velocity ratio is always greater than the mechanical advantage
Use of Biology
1. An association between the root nodule of a leguminous plant and rhizobium sp, is known as
A. commensalism
B. mycorrhiza
C. parasitism
D. symbiosis
2. Viviparity occurs mainly in the
A. mammals
B. reptiles
C. Ives
D. amphibians
3. The gas produced during tissue respiration can be identified by using
A. calcium hydroxide
B. copper sulfate
C. calcium carbonate
D. sodium hydroxide
4. A seedling grown in the dark is likely to be
A. etiolated
B. dormant
C. sturdy
D. stunted
5.The enzyme invertase will hydrolyze sucrose to give
A. maltose and glucose
B. glycerol and fatty acid
C. glucose and fructose
D. mannose and galactose