1. Always keep _______ when eating your food.
A. bad table manners
B. good table manners
C. silly table manners
D. none of the above
2. How can the school help to keep the community clean?
A. By sweeping court halls
B. By cleaning market places
C. A and B
D. None of the above
3. Fleas spread __________.
A. cholera
B. plague
C. blindness
D. all of the above
4. Dirty clothes and hair can be carriers of ___________.
A. lice
B. Tse-tse fly
C. jiggar
D. flies
5. Why must you keep your classroom clean?
A. To bring dust
B. To avoid dirts and germs
C. To spread disease
D. All of the above
6. What are the things you should not do to annoy Mummy and Daddy?
A. You must not be hyperactive
B. You must not jump and dance around in public
C. A and B
D. You must not sit quietly
7. What should we wear on our feet to school?
A. Slippers or sandals
B. Shoes or sandals
C. Boot or rain boot
D. Slippers or rain boots
8. What are the incidents at home that can make your family unhappy?
A. Quarrels and fighting
B. Wrong choice of wife or husband
C. Too many children
D. All of the above
9. You should play games with _________ and _________ at home.
A. chairs
B. Mummy and Daddy
C. pets
D. none of the above
10. What is gossip?
A. Telling the truth
B. Telling lies
C. Speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies.
D. None of the above