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We pulled these Olam Nigeria job questions from our study pack Olam Nigeria Aptitude Test Past Questions & Answers Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample Olam Nigeria Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Verbal reasoning
Earthworm, vital to the health of the soil, always prefer soil that is wet and humid and neutral on the acid to alkaline scale. Since decomposition of dead plants makes the top soil more acidic, the application of crushed limestone makes it more alkaline and more attractive to earthworms.
1. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. The application of crushed limestone to the soil’s top layer neutralizes the acidity level
B. Alkaline soil id significantly more likely to benefit from an increased earthworm population than a highly acids soil
C. Crushed limestone contain enough calcium and magnesium which just as vital to earthworms
D. Alkaline soil is more spacious and will allow earthworm to move freely
People who are red/green color-blind cannot distinguish between green and brown. Carlos cannot distinguish between green and brown. Therefore Carlos is red/green color-blind.
2. Which one of the following most closely parallels the reasoning in the argument presented in the passage?
A. People who are suffering from sinusitis lose their sense of smell Mary has lost her sense of smell therefore Mary is suffering from sinusitis
B. People who have suffered from jaundice cannot become blood donors, jean’s is a blood donor. Therefore jean has not suffered from jaundice.
C. People who have suffered from jaundice cannot become blood donors, jean is a blood donor. Therefore jean has not surfed from jaundice
D. People who are diabetic cannot eat large amount of sugar Freda is diabetic, therefore Freda is on a special diet.
Sales executives: when a sale person is successful. It is almost sure that the person must have been in sales for at least 3 years. This is so because to succeed, one must first a strong client base, and research has shown that anyone who spend at least 3 year developing a client base could become successful in sales
3. The reasoning in the sales executive’s argument is venerable to criticism on the ground that it falls to consider the possibility that
A. Few sales people can afford to spend there years building a client base
B. The business of sales is not for everyone
C. Some sales people require fewer years to developing a client base
D. A sales person who has spent longer than three years might actually become successful
I. Stealing is not corruption
II. Biola does not steal.
I. Biola is corrupt
II. Biola is honest
4. Read all the conclusion and choose from the option the conclusion(s) that logically follows from the statement.
A. Only conclusion follows
B. Either I or II follows
C. Only conclusion II follows
D. Both I and II follows
Abstract Reasoning
5. What was the average amount gambled on Slot machines in 2007 by each individual who attended Calewall casino?
(A) £90.00
(B) £9.00
(C) £0.90
(D) £900.00
(E) £0.09
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