Can you ace these NDDC Scholarship Medical Science Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Medical Science questions from our study pack NDDC Scholarship aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample NDDC Scholarship Medical Science Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
1. In 2008 & 2013 respectively, Chief medical officer for England, Liam Donaldson and her successor, urged doctors not to use antibiotics to ______.
A. E.coli bacteria
B. Klebsiella bacteria
C. Gram negative
D. treat colds and coughs
2. In the Nigerian Sector, NHIS is known as ________.
A. Nigerian Insurance Scheme
B. National Insurance Scheme
C. National Investment Scheme
D. Nigerian Housing Insurance Scheme
3. In March 2013, the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, during a discourse on coffee and, stated that coffee contains ________ which regulate metabolism.
A. antioxidants
B. toxics
C. oxidants
D. free radicals
4. In March 2013, the chief medical officer for England advised that the growing resistance to antibiotics be ranked with _____ on a list of threats to the UK.
A. risk
B. epidemic
C. terrorism
D. economic risks
5. In 2008, Chief medical officer for England urged doctors not to use antibiotics to treat colds and coughs as these are caused by _____ and do not respond to antibiotics.
A. viruses
B. bacteria
C. protozoa
D. fungi
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6. In 2013, chief medical officer for England, urged pharmaceutical companies to ______ due to increased resistance to antibiotics.
A. develop organ transplants
B. cancer treatment drugs
C. develop new drugs to fight infections
D. to develop superbug meticillin
7. Medical research has it that, the more we take antibiotics when they ______, the more bacteria will become resistant to them.
A. are not necessary
B. are expired
C. are not real drugs
D. are not properly made
8. In the Nigerian Sector, NIMR is known as ________.
A. Nigerian Institute of Medical Resources
B. National Institute of Medical Research
C. Nigerian Institute of Medicine Research
D. Nigerian Institute of Medical Research
9. In the Nigerian sector, PMTCT is known as _______.
A. Post Mortem Care Transmission
B. Prevention of Mother to Children Transmission
C. Post Maternal Child Trust
D. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
10. In March 2013, NYSC commenced immunisation of Corps members against Cerebro Spinal Meningitis (CSM), in ________.
A. Niger State
B. Kano State
C. Sokoto State
D. Zamfara State