Can you ace these NDDC Scholarship Journalism Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Journalism questions from our study pack NDDC Scholarship aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample NDDC Scholarship Journalism Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
1. The originator of the phrase ‘press is, the fourth estate’ is:
A. North Cliff
B. Edmund Burke
C. Lord Macaulay
D. Rudyard Kipling
2. What is embargo?
A. A ship, which often comes late
B. A ban on publication before a specific date
C. A story, which has no end
D. None of these
3. The first terrestrial television broadcast in Nigeria started in
A. 1954
B. 1959
C. 1947
D. None of these
4. What is yellow journalism?
A. Exploitative sensational
B. Classified telephone directory
C. A low priced novel
D. None of these
5. What is typography?
A. Is a system of Government
B. A choice of type to ensure image clarity
C. A branch of photography
D. None of these
Click here to get the complete NDDC Scholarship past questions pack for Journalism category
6. What is editorial?
A. Piece of interview
B. A point of view of the newspaper
C. One-sided approach of the Government
D. None of these
7. The Nigerian Press Council was established in
A. 1961
B. 1992
C. 1963
D. None of these
8. What is lithography?
A. A system of local bodies
B. Circulation of newspapers
C. A method of printing
D. None of these
9. Agenda setting is the main objective:
A. Is the subject of mass communication
B. Of media person
C. Media has no concern one
D. None of these
10. BON?
A. Broadcasters Organisation of Nigeria
B. Broadcasting Organisation of Nigeria
C. Broadcast Organisation of Nigerian
D. None of these