
Free NBC Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers

Can you ace these NBC Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day. We pulled these NBC questions from our study pack NBC aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how […]

Can you ace these NBC Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.

We pulled these NBC questions from our study pack NBC aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!

Note about the test format: On the NBC aptitude test, you'll face 4 test sections: Numerical test (20 questions), Verbal reasoning test(20 questions), Abstract reasoning (16questions) / Role specific questions (10 – 20 questions)

Sample NBC Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers

Numerical Reasoning
1. A: 5 laps on a 400m race track B: 9 laps on a 700-foot race track Note: 1 metre = 3.28 feet.Which value is greater A or 8?
A. Quantities A and B are equal.
B. Quantity A is greater than Quantity B.
C. Quantity B is greater than Quantity A.
D. Insufficient information is given to make the comparison.

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The correct answer is B

2. Algae biofuel can be obtained from microalgae. Algae have a dry weight of 5% of the algae's total weight, and a lipid content of 40% of that dry weight, which has similar properties to vegetable oil. Algal oil can be sold for N0.42 per litre. How much revenue could be generated by the sale of algal oil from 17 metric tons of microalgae? (1 litre of algal oil weighs 0.92kg)
A. N155.22
B. N170.58
C. N160.58
D. N150.58
E. N165.48

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The correct answer is A

A: 3 orders of 25 units at N 7.00 per unit
B: 2 orders of 65 units at N4.50 per unit
Note: Orders of less than 50 units (but no t over) incur a Nl.99 delivery charge.

3. Which value is greater A or B?
A. Quantity B is greater than Quantity A.
B. Quantity A is greater than Quantity B.
C. Quantities A and B are equal.
D. Insufficient information is given to make the comparison.

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The correct answer is A

Diamond bank is refurnishing its offices by providing employees with new chairs, desks and filing cabinets. Each office requires 18 desks, 18 chairs and 36 filing cabinets. The furniture supplier provides desks at N145.95 per desk, chairs at N45.95 per chair and filing cabinets N39.95 per cabinet. The organization has 7 offices which require refurnishing.

4.What will be the total cost of the new office furniture?
A. N36,829.80
B. N38,298.90
C. N34,246.80
D. N32,198.70
E. N40,182.20

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The correct answer is C

A: Container A doubling in weight every 3 days for 3 weeks
B: Container A tripling in weight every 3 days for two weeks
Note: Container A initially weighs 1 kg. Weight increases only on the third day.

5. Which value is greater A or B?
A. Quantities A and B are equal.
B. Quantity A is greater than Quantity B.
C. Insufficient information is given to make the comparison.
D. Quantify B is greater than quantity A

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The correct answer is C

Click here to get the complete NBC Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers

Verbal Reasoning
This passage provides information on tl1e annual profit and popularity of several top tourist attractions in the United Kingdom. The information is provided by visitengland.com, a website that promotes tourism within the UK. Statistics provided by visit England note that over 30 million international visitors travel to London every year, marking the city as the most popular international travel destination in tl1e world. In 2011. London's most popular tourist attraction was the British Museum. The second most popular destination was Madame Tussauds. Outside of the capital, popular tourist destinations include Alton Towers and the Cadburys Factory. Tourist attractions contribute over two billion pounds to the economy and can be seen as one of the most profit able sectors.

1. Based on the information in the above passage only, which of the following statements is definitely false?
A. Visitengland.com names London the most popular international travel destination
B. Visitengland.com provides information on t11e popularity of tourist destinations
C. Visitengland.com states London is most popular for domestic holidays.
D. Visitengland.com states over 30 million visitors travel to London annually

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The correct answer is C

The level of air pollution in London is at a record high, with the level of nitrogen dioxide (N02) higher than anywhere else in Europe. As a result of such high levels of pollution, the UK has received a number of warnings from the EU for its failure to comply with European laws, and may face a possible fine. In addition to this, experts warn that the levels of pollution will affect the weather; leading to periods of storm like weather throughout the summer months and an increase in temperature in the winter. Such pollutants are particularly problematic for those who run in the city on a regular basis, leading to chest pains, a decrease in lung capacity and coughing and other problems.

2. Based on the information in the above passage, which one of the following statements is true?
A. European laws ban the production of nitrogen dioxide.
B. London has the highest level of nitrogen dioxide in Europe
C. Running often in the city does not cause chest pains.
D. Running often in the city causes chest pains.

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The correct answer is B

The price of gold has increased by almost thirty- five percent across the globe over the last year. As a result, previously abandoned gold mines. Which were once seen as financially unviable, have been re-opened. An example of this can be seen at the southern Indian state of Karnataka, where companies are re-opening gold mines as even low grade ore becomes valuable. India is currently the largest consumer of gold globally; however, the majority of this demand is currently met by import. Commentators question whether this trend will continue as more and more abandoned mines are re-opened.

3. Based solely on the information in the passage, which of the following statements is definitely correct?
A. The majority of India's demand for gold is met by import
B. India's demand for gold is increasing
C. It is uncertain if India's demand for gold will continue
D. India's demand for imported old is increasing

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The correct answer is A

The Times University Guide is an annually published table placing the universities in the UK in order of their standard of education. Whilst the first place on the table is traditionally represented by either Oxford or Cambridge, there is much rivalry between other institutions to achieve a high-ranking place on the list. Amongst other factors, the guide takes into account the quantity and quality of research published by each university, the number of students who complete the course, the university's average entry requirement and the level of spending on facilities. Unlike many other university guides, the Times University Guide takes into account student satisfaction. This figure is collected from a survey given to current students at the institution, asking them to rate their university. Other league tables are published by The Guardian and the Complete University Guide.

4. Based on the information in the above passage only, which one of the following statements is most true?
A. The number of students completing the course is a weakness for institutions.
B. The Times University Guide relies only on information from student surveys.
C. The Guardian University Guide is based on average entry requirements.
D. The first place position is usually Oxford or Cambridge.

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The correct answer is D

This passage discusses tl1e process of creating glow in the dark stars. These plastic stars have an adhesive on one side and stick to the ceiling, providing a dim light in dark rooms. The target audience for this item ranges from young children to teenagers, who may be afraid of the dark or wish to decorate their room. Glow in the dark stars are created from thin sheets of plastic. These sheets are passed through a stamp-cutting machine which passes the sheet of plastic along a conveyer-belt and cuts the star shapes from the plastic. The cut stars are lifted from the sheet by a further part of this machine, whilst the remaining scrap material continues along the conveyer-bett and is then disposed of. Double-sided adhesive stickers are applied to one side of the stars by hand.

5. Based on the information in the passage alone, which one of the following statements is most true?
A. The stars are made by hand.
B. The stars are made from recyclable materials.
C. The stars are cut by a macl1ine but the adhesive is attached by hand.
D. The stars are normally yellow in colour

See the Answer
The correct answer is C

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