These Home Economics questions and answers were pulled from our book (Home Economics questions for Primary 4); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Home Economics Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answers from the lettered options.
1. Which of these is done when cleaning the kitchen?
A. Clean the kitchen divider
B. Clean the toilet tank
C. Clean work surfaces and kitchen units
D. Remove the beddings
2. Windows are cleaned according to their ________.
A. colour
B. type
C. cost
D. use
3. Ceilings, walls and doors should be _______ while cleaning.
A. brushed
B. scrubbed
C. swept down
D. dusted
4. The kitchen should be cleaned __________.
A. weekly
B. daily
C. monthly
D. once in two days
5. Cleaning the bed and bedding’s is to bedroom as dusting the television is to _______.
A. bedroom
B. kitchen
C. sitting room
D. bathroom
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6. Which of the following in not a personal belonging?
A. Shoes
B. Clothes
C. Combs
D. Beddings
7. Which one of the following is used to take care of the hair?
A. Tooth brush
B. Hair brush
C. Oil
D. Sponge
8. Which of these factors cannot affect the choice of personal belongings?
A. Age
B. Sex
C. Money
D. Complexion
9. Towels are used for drying the _______ after bathing.
A. face
B. leg
C. arms
D. body
10. Clothes should be _________.
A. hung or folded properly
B. thrown around the house
C. used for rag
D. kept on the bed