Can you ace these Grand Cereals Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Grand cereals Job questions from our study pack Grand Cereals Limited Aptitude Test Past Questions 2022 Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample Grand Cereals Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Verbal Reasoning
Although it was discovered in the 19th century that birds were closely related to
dinosaurs, the current scientific consensus is that birds were, and always have
birds and other feathered dinosaurs, including hollow bones, nest building and
similar brooding behaviours. Although the dinosaurian lineage of birds is largely
flight in birds are the “ground-up” theory, and the “trees-down” theory. Ground-up
theorists suggest birds evolved powered flight from ground dwelling dinosaurs, and
Further research is required to conclusively verify the process in which birds
evolved powered flight.
Q1 The “ground-up” and “trees-down” theories are the only theories explaining
flight in birds.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
Cannot Say - Although the “ground-up” and “trees-down” theories are stated
to be theories of flight in birds, they are not stated to be the only two
theories explaining flight in birds. Therefore, the correct answer is “Cannot Say”.
2. All dinosaurs had hollow bones.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
Cannot Say - The passage states that other feathered dinosaurs also had hollow
bones, not that all dinosaurs (non-feathered) also had hollow bones. Therefore, the
3. There is no scientific consensus regarding how birds evolved powered flight.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
True - The passage states that further research is required to conclusively verify the
process in which birds evolved powered flight. Similarly, it is stated that, the
evolution of powered flight in birds is still debated. Therefore, the correct answer is
been dinosaurs themselves. Fossil evidence demonstrates similarities between
undisputed, the evolution of powered flight in birds is still debated. Two theories of
trees-down theorists suggest birds evolved from tree dwelling, gliding dinosaurs.
4. The dinosaurian origins of birds is widely rejected.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
False - It is stated that the dinosaurian origins of birds is “largely undisputed”, and
is therefore the antithesis of being widely rejected. Therefore, the correct answer is
5. A feral cat is a domestic cat that was raised in the wild, without having experienced significant human contact. Feral cats differ from stray cats, in that strays were previously pets which became nomadic. Unlike strays, feral cats initially show hostility towards humans, particularly upon first contact. Feral cats may become invasive to ecosystems, particularly on insular islands, resulting in a decline in biodiversity. Non-indigenous feral cats often have few natural predators, and prey on local species unaccustomed to defending against cats. Ground nesting birds, small native mammals and even amphibian species are often impacted by invasive populations of feral cats, and have led to extinctions of these species in some
5 Both stray and feral cats exhibit hostility when first encountering humans.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
False- The passage states that “Unlike strays, feral cats initially show hostility towards humans”. Since this distinguishes stray cats from feral cats, the correct answer is “False”.
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Numerical Reasoning
Q1 How much did the combined revenue from Slot machines and Roulette differ
from that of Other table games between 2006-2009 inclusive (in £millions)?
(A) 0.9
(B) 9.0
(C) 9.2
(D) 0.92
(E) None of these
Step 1 – Calculate the totals for Slot machines, Roulette, Other table games
Slot machines = 1.3 + 1.4 + 1.8 + 1.5 = 6
Roulette = 0.8 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.7 = 2.7
Other table games = 4.4 + 4.2 + 4.5 + 4.8 = 17.9
Step 2 – Calculate the difference
17.9 – 6 – 2.7 = 9.2
Step 3 – Put into £millions = 0.92
Thus the correct answer is (D) 0.92
Q2 What was the average amount gambled on Slot machines in 2007 by each
individual who attended Calewall casino?
(A) £90.00
(B) £9.00
(C) £0.90
(D) £900.00
(E) £0.09
Step 1 - Amount gambled/No of people = 140,000 / 1,520,000 = £0.09
Thus the correct answer is (E) £0.09
There is a £15 entrance fee for each person gambling at Calewall casino. In
which year, or years, was the entrance fee revenue less than £23 million?
(A) 2006, 2007
(B) 2007, 2008
(C) 2007
(D) 2006
(E) None of these
Step 1 - Calculate the entrance fee revenue for each year, as follows:
Q4 What will be the average annual change in attendance at Calewall casino across the years 2006-2010 if the 2010 prediction proves to be accurate?
(A) 47,500 decrease
(B) 53,500 decrease
(C) 52,500 increase
(D) 47,500 increase
(E) 53,500 increase
Step 1 – Calculate the yearly change in attendance
2007 = 0.6 increase
2008 = 1.1 increase
2009 = 0.5 increase
2010 prediction = 0.3 decrease
Step 2 - Calculate the average yearly change in attendance
(0.6 + 1.1 + 0.5 – 0.3) / 4 = 0.475 (100,000s) = 47,500
Thus the correct answer is (D) 47,500 increase
Q5 Calewall casino is subject to a takeover bid of 7 times its 2010 projected
casino revenues. The Board responds that it can deliver 10% added value
through cost-cuttings to this purchase price. What valuation is the Board
putting on Calewall casino (in £ millions)?
(A) £48.51 million
(B) £44.1 million
(C) £4.85 million
(D) £4.41 million
(E) £6.3 million
Step 1 - 2010 projected casino revenues = 4.7 + 1.1 + 0.5 = 6.3
6.3 x 7 = 44.1
44.1 x 110% = 48.51 (£100,000s)
Thus the correct answer is (C) £4.85 million
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