
Free Geography Lesson Note SS 2

This Free Geography Note SS 2 Lesson Note was pulled from our book (Lesson Note on Free Geography Lesson Note SS 2 MS-WORD); Compiled to serve as reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easier, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching. This Free Geography SS 2 […]

This Free Geography Note SS 2 Lesson Note was pulled from our book (Lesson Note on Free Geography Lesson Note SS 2 MS-WORD); Compiled to serve as reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easier, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching.

The Lesson notes are based on the current NERDC curriculum (UBE compliant)

This Free Geography SS 2 Lesson Note Covers The Following Topics

  1. The action of running water
  2. Action of Wind
  3. Action of Glaciers
  4. Action of waves
  5. Climate
  6. Types of Climate
  7. Environmental Resources
  8. Renewable and Non Renewable Resources
  9. Environmental Problems
  10. Agriculture
  11. Transportation in Nigeria
  12. Manufacturing Industries
  13. Manufacturing Industries
  14. Measurements of direction and bearing
  15. Representation of relief
  16. The contour representation of landforms
  17. world population
  18. Problems of rapid population growth
  19. Types of settlement
  20. Settlement


Sample note

Week 1

Topic: Action of running water


  1. Factors affecting the velocity of rivers
  2. Process of river erosion
  3. Processes of River Transportation
  4. Importance of rivers to man

Running water is one of the most important agents of denudation. Rivers involve erosion, transportation, and deposition of minerals.


Factors affecting the Velocity of a River

  1. The higher the volume of water released by a river, the higher the velocity, however as the volume decreases during the dry period, the velocity also decreases
  2. The steeper the slope, the higher the velocity of water in the river
  3. A river uses more energy to flow through a flat–wide valley than through a narrow–deep valley because the former has a large surface area
  4. The greater the speed of the river, the greater the materials or loads it can carry or move


Processes of River Erosion

The erosive work of a river consists of four interacting processes which are:

  • Hydraulic action process is the fast-flowing water forces itself into cracks and cavities within the valley under pressure and enlarges the crack
  • Corrosion is the wearing away of the sides and floor of the river valley with the aid of sand, pebbles, silts, and boulders which are being transported. These materials eventually widen and deepen the river valley
  • Attrition is the wearing down of the load as they collide with one another and with the floor and sides of the valley. Large boulders are broken down into small pieces like pebbles
  • Solution refers to the chemical action of water on materials it comes in contact with while flowing, rock salts are dissolved and carried away in solution



Processes of River transportation

The load of a river is carried or transported along four main processes, these are:

  1. Solution: Some rock materials dissolve in water and there are carried in a solution from the upper to lower course of river
  2. Suspension: The lighter particles of solid materials are carried in suspension as th water flows
  3. Saltation: In this process, larger particles are moved in series of hops or jumps along he stream bed
  4. Traction: In this process, very large fragments of materials are rolled or pushed along in the river


Delta is a fan shaped alluvial plain formed as a result of deposition of the fine materials by a river as it reaches or enters the sea or ocean.


Importance of Delta to man

  • Delta provides good agricultural land especially for the cultivation of rice, oil palms, and raffia palm e.g River Niger
  • Delta is also good for fishing
  • Delta is equally good for petroleum mining


Types of Delta

  • Arcuate delta: These consist of both coarse and fine sediments and have the shape of an inverted cone. It is crossed by many distributors. An example is found in Niger
  • Bird’s foot delta: This delta consists of very fine materials called silt with several main distributaries like the foot of a bird extending into a sea. An example is the Mississippi delta
  • Estuarine delta: This delta is formed when it is partially submerged in coastal waters and there is a direct flow of water into the sea with little or no sediments. Example is Amazon


Importance of Rivers to man

  1. Rivers serve as a medium transportation from one place to another
  2. Rivers also help in the generation of Hydroelectric power
  3. Rivers provide water for animal use
  4. Rivers aid in the promotion of sport
  5. Rivers provide employment (fishing) to many people







Free Geography Lesson Note SS 2

Get the complete Lesson Note with more content at very affordable price. Lesson Note on GEOGRAPHY for SS2 MS-WORD- PDF

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