Can you ace these Flour Mills Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Flour Mills questions from our study pack Flour Mills aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample Flour Mills Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
1. Statement: Engineers are better than doctors
Doctors are smarter than teachers
Conclusion I: Engineers are smarter than everyone else
II. Teachers are just as smart as engineers
A. Neither conclusion I and II follows
B. Either conclusion I or II follows
C. Only conclusion I follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
2. AOM, CRP, EUS _____
3. Which word does not belong with the others?
A. Silverback
B. Orangutan
C. Neanderthal
D. Gorilla
4.Identify the next order in the series … OP2, RS3, TY1, YZ2, XY4, ….?
A. Z5
B. EF5
C. BH1
D. DH3
5. A26, D23, H19, _____ Complete the series
A. C13
B. J17
C. F22
D. N25
Click here to get the complete Flour Mills aptitude-test past questions studypack
1. Find the velocity ratio of a screw jack of pitch 0.3cm if the length of the tommy bar is 21cm.
A. (1⁄140) p
B. 14p
C. 70p
D. 140p
2. A block and tackle with a velocity ratio of 5 is used to raise a mass of 20kg through a vertical distance of 50cm at a steady rate. If the effort is equal to 50N, determine the distance moved by the effort and the work done by the effort in lifting the load.
A. 240cm, 12560J.
B. 200cm, 12400J.
C. 250cm, 12500J.
D. 250cm, 12000J.
3. Efficiency of a is always less than one because
I. work is done in moving the parts of the machine
II. of friction in the moving part of machine
III. The effort applied is always less than the load being overcome.
Which of the statements above is/are correct?
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
4. Which of the following is the main effect of electric currents?
A. Chemical effect
B. Heat effect
C. Magnetic effect
D. Electric effect
5. Find the power operating in a refrigerator when a current of 15A flows through the refrigerator at a resistance of 5Ω.
A. 1125AΩ.
B. 1125A/Ω.
C. 1125J.
D. 1125A.
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