Can you ace these Exxon Mobil Procurement Analyst Aptitude Test questions?
Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of
what you can expect on test day. We pulled these Procurement Analyst questions from our study pack
Exxonmobil job-aptitude-test past questions studypack.
Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
you’ll face 4 test sections: Numerical reasoning, Verbal reasoning, Abstract reasoning, and the
Skill test section (Procurement Analyst based questions).
Sample Exxon Mobil Procurement Analyst Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
1. Many organisations hold safety stocks as part of their inventory. Which of the
following is a reason for holding safety stocks?
a. To improve stock holding levels
b. To improve stock accuracy levels
c. To cater for demand forecast errors
d. To cater for a large storage capacity.
2. Which of the following stock valuation methods is based on a cost estimate made
before the part is purchased?
a. Standard costing
c. Average costing
d. LIFO.
3. When using the ‘ABC’ approach to stock categorisation. Which of the following
describes class ‘C’ items?
a. High value, high risk
b. High value, low risk
c. Low value, high risk
d. Low value, low risk.
4. Warehouses and stockyards are two types of storage facilities. Which of the
following is the most appropriate factor to consider in the design of a stockyard?
a. Structure
b. Services
c. Surface
d. Shelving.
5. Which of the following categories of materials handling equipment does a‘counterbalanced type’ belong to?
a. Gravity Conveyor
b. Fork lift Trucks
c. Picking Robot
d. Warehouse Trolley.
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6. Two major approaches to structuring coding systems are ‘Significant coding
systems’ and ‘Sequential coding systems’. Which of the following is given as a benefit
of a ’sequential coding system’?
a. It allows the use of manufacturers’ codes
b. It allows errors to be detected easily
c. It can easily be extended
d. It is only based on letters and not symbols
7. Which of the following is a method for eliminating the bullwhip or ‘Forrester Effect’?
a. Timely communication of sales figures throughout the supply chain
b. The stabilisation of lead times throughout the supply chain
c. Increased accuracy of stock levels throughout the supply chain
d. Ensuring realistic Bills of Materials throughout the supply chain.
8. Which of the following types of container is used to carry oversized cargo?
a. Bulk
b. Flat rack
c. Reefer
d. Tank.
9. Which of the following is the name given to a bill of lading where goods have been
received by a carrier free of defects?
a. Shipped bill of lading
b. Claused bill of lading
c. Ordinary bill of lading
d. Clean bill of lading.
10. Which of the following descriptions accurately reflects the typical services of a
freight forwarder?
a. Negotiate the purchase contract, provide transport, and make payment for goods
b. Arrange shipment, manage customs clearance, and make payment for goods
c. Arrange transportation of goods, manage documentation, and arrange customs clearance
d. Negotiate import duty payments, arrange agent’s commission, and deliver

Exxonmobil study pack, with even more questions, answers and explanations.