Can you ace these Exxon Mobil Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day. We pulled these Exxon Mobil Job questions from our study pack Exxon Mobil Jobaptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so […]
Can you ace these Exxon Mobil Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Exxon Mobil Job questions from our study pack Exxon Mobil Jobaptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Note about the test format: On the Exxon Mobil Job aptitude test, you'll face 4 test sections:Numerical reasoning, Verbal reasoning, Abstract reasoning and Skill test.
Sample Exxon Mobil Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Numerical Reasoning

1. What was the unit sales ratio of Austrian Quarter 4: Portugal Quarter 1: Greek Quarter
(A) 35:28:22
(B) 5:3:4
(C) 6:4:3
(D) 5:4:3
(E) 3:4:2
See the Answer
The correct answer is D.
SStep 1 – Put the 3 countries into a ratio
Austria (Quarter 4): Portugal (Quarter 1): Greek (Quarter 4)
= 35,000: 28,000: 21,000
Step 2 – Simplify the ratio (recognize that 7 is a common denominator)
Thus the correct answer is (D) 5:4:3
2. Which country met or exceeded its annual target for unit sales?
See the Answer
The correct answer is C.
Step 1 – Calculate the total unit sales for each country
Greece = 108,300
Portugal = 104,200
Austria = 105,800
Ireland = 102,400
Croatia = 105,200
Step 2 – Compare each total to the Yearly Target (Unit sales)
Targets are either 105,000 or 110,000.
Only Austria has exceeded its 105,000 target.
Thus the correct answer is (C) Austria
3. The previous year’s average number of Portuguese units sold per quarter was 20%higher than the year shown. What was the previous year’s average number of Portuguese units sold per quarter?
(A) 104,200
(B) 31,260
(C) 26,050
(D) 21,260
(E) 20,840
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The correct answer is B.
Step 1 – Calculate this year’s average number of Portuguese units sold per quarter
(28,000 + 33,200 + 22,600 + 20,400) / 4 = 104,200 /4 = 26,050
Step 2 – Calculate a 20% increase to get last year’s average number of Portuguese units sold per quarter
26,050 x 1.2 = 31,260
4. If Austria’s annual corporation tax was 22% on the first €200,000 of sales and 20% on sales exceeding €200,000, how much is their corporation tax bill for the year (assuming each unit is sold at €3.5)?
(A) €34,000
(B) €34,060
(C) €37,060
(D) €44,000
(E) €78,060
See the Answer
The correct answer is E.
Step 1 – Calculate the total value of Austrian unit sales
Total Austrian unit sales = 105,800
Total value of Austrian unit sales = 105,800 x €3.5 = €370,300
Step 2 – Calculate the corporation tax for the first €200,000 of Austrian unit sales
€200,000 x 22% = €44,000
Step 3 – Calculate the tax for sales exceeding €200,000
€370,300 – €200,000 = €170,300
€170,300 x 20% = €34,060
Step 4 – Calculate the total tax
€44,000 + €34,060 = €78,060
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5. Greek and Irish sales generated 2.5 Euros per unit sold, whilst the other countries’ sales generated 2.25 Euros per unit sold. Which country or countries exceeded their Annual Product Sales Target?
(A)Portugal and Austria
(B)Ireland and Austria
(C)Croatia and Austria
(D)Croatia and Greece
(E)Ireland and Greece
See the Answer
The correct answer is D.
Step 1 – Calculate the total unit sales for each country
Using the earlier question’s total unit sales for each country
Greece = 108,300 x 2.5 = 270,750
Portugal = 104,200 x 2.25 = 234,450
Austria = 105,800 x 2.25 = 238,050
Ireland = 102,400 x 2.5 = 256,000
Croatia = 105,200 x 2.25 = 236,700
Step 2 – Compare each total to the Annual Product Sales Target
Only Croatia and Greece exceeded their respective targets.
Thus the correct answer is (D) Croatia and Greece
Verbal Reasoning
The merits of single-sex education have long been debated in the United States, where demand for single-sex schools is on the rise. Title IV, a 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in education, was amended in 2006, allowing for the establishment of single-sex state schools so long as a coeducational alternative is available. While critics view single-sex schools as discriminatory and inadequate preparation for adult life, advocates claim that children, and particularly girls, benefit from a single-sex education. American research shows that girls attending single-sex schools have higher self-esteem, participate more in class, and score higher on aptitude tests than their counterparts in co-educational schools. A 2005 study revealed that both girls and boys attending single-sex schools spent more time on homework and had less disciplinary problems. Single-sex schools subvert stereotypical course-taking patterns and results. Advocates of single-sex schooling argue that educators can teach more effectively by tailoring their tuition to reflect current research about gender-based brain development. Many experts, however, believe that research into single sex education is inconclusive, and that so long as the education provided is gender-fair, both girls and boys can thrive in a co-educational environment.
1. Which two of these options must be true?
A. Girls in single sex school perform better in sciences than those in co-educational schools
B. This trend towards America single sex education is a relatively recent phenomenon
C. Research into single-sex is inconclusive
D. Demand for single-sex schools is on the rise
See the Answer
The correct answer is B and D.
Answer and Explanation:
• (True) This trend towards America single sex education is a relatively recent phenomenon (B)
This is true, because single-sex schools were illegal between 1972 and 2006, as explained in the second sentence.
• (True) Demand for single-sex schools is on the rise (D)
This is true as seen in the second line of the passage
2. Which two of these options must be true?
A. Proponents of single-sex education believe there are different learning styles exist between genders
B. The Usual course taking patterns are avoided in single sex schools
C. The amended law in 2006 allow only the existence of single sex schools
D. Single sex schools provide inadequate preparation for adult life
See the Answer
The correct answer is A and B.
Answer and Explanation:
• (True) Proponents of single-sex education believe there are different learning styles exist between genders (A)
The seventh sentence asserts this by stating that educators can tailor to reflect current research about gender- based brain development
• (True) The Usual course taking patterns are avoided in single sex schools (B)
Very true as seen in line 11 of the passage
3. Which two of these options must be true?
A. The only advantage for boys in single sex education is improved discipline
B. Girls in single sex schools have higher self-esteem than their counterparts in co-educational school
C. There are more beliefs than actual conclusions in this passage
D. 1972 law prohibits educational discrimination
See the Answer
The correct answer is B and C.
Answer and Explanation:
• (True) Girls in single sex schools have higher self-esteem than their counterparts in co-educational school (B)
Very true as seen in line 7 of the passage
• (True) There are more beliefs than actual conclusions in this passage (C)
In the passage we have only 2 conclusions, the majority of statements made in the passage were views and belief
4. Which two of these options must be true?
A. Single sex education re-enforces existing gender stereotypes.
B. There are more single-sex schools than co-educational schools.
C. Claims exist for girls benefiting from a single sex education
D. Experts believe that any gender can thrive in a co-educational system
See the Answer
The correct answer is C and D.
Answer and Explanation:
• (True) Claims exist for girls benefiting from a single sex education (C)
Very true as seen in line 6 of the passage
• (True) Experts believe that any gender can thrive in a co-educational system (D)
Very true as seen in the last line of the passage
Abstract Reasoning

1. What comes next in the sequence?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E
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The correct answer is E.
Rule 1: The circle moves counterclockwise to the next corner each time.
Rule 2: The circle rotates 45˚ clockwise each time.
Rule 3: The circle alternates between large and small.

2. What comes next in the sequence?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E
See the Answer
The correct answer is B.
Rule 1: The arrow moves in the direction it points each time.
Rule 2: The number of crossed cells alternates between one and two each time.
Rule 3: The shaded cell moves down one place each time. When it reaches the bottom cell, it begins again on the next row.

3. What comes next in the sequence?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E
See the Answer
The correct answer is D.
Rule 1: A new line is added each time.
Rule 2: Every box created is filled with a circle.
Rule 3: The total number of shaded circles increases by one each time.
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