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We pulled these Ernst and Young questions from our study pack Ernst and Young aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample Ernst and Young Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Logical Reasoning
1. Statement: Engineers are better than doctors
Doctors are smarter than teachers
Conclusion I: Engineers are smarter than everyone else
II. Teachers are just as smart as engineers
A. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
B. Either conclusion I or II follows
C. Only conclusion I follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
2. AOM, CRP, EUS _____
3. A26, D23, H19, _____
Complete the series
A. C13
B. J17
C. F22
D. N25
4. Which of the following does not with the others?
A. Concrete
B. Fixed
C. Intransigent
D. Ephemeral
5. Please identify the next piece in the series
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Verbal Reasoning
A feral cat is a domestic cat that was raised in the wild, without having experienced significant human contact. Feral cats differ from stray cats, in that strays were previously pets which became nomadic. Unlike strays, feral cats initially show hostility towards humans, particularly upon first contact. Feral cats may become invasive to ecosystems, particularly on insular islands, resulting in a decline in biodiversity. Non-indigenous feral cats often have few natural predators, and prey on local species unaccustomed to defending against cats. Ground nesting birds, small native mammals and even amphibian species are often impacted by invasive populations of feral cats, and have led to extinctions of these species in some case.
1. Both stray and feral cats exhibit hostility when first encountering humans.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
2. Biodiversity can be affected by feral cat populations.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
3. Feral cats are rarely preyed upon.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say
Numerical Reasoning
1. How much did the combined revenue from Slot machines and Roulette differ from that of other table games between “2006-2009” inclusive (in £millions)?
A. 0.9
B. 9.0
C. 9.2
D. 0.92
E. None of these
2. What was the average amount gambled on Slot machines in 2007 by each individual who attended Calewall casino?
A. £90.00
B. £9.00
C. £0.90
D. £900.00
E. £0.09
3. Calewall casino is subject to a takeover bid of 7 times its 2010 projected casino revenues. The Board responds that it can deliver 10% added value through cost-cuttings to this purchase price. What valuation is the Board putting on Calewall casino (in £ millions)?
A. £48.51 million
B. £44.1 million
C. £4.85 million
D. £4.41 million
E. £6.3 million