These English Language questions and answers were pulled from our book (English Language questions for Primary 4); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample English Language Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct options from the lettered options
Fill in the blank space with the correct answer.
1. Tarela lives __________ to the school than anyone else.
A. near
B. nearer
C. nearest
D. nearly
2. Okocha passes the ball __________ than all the other players in the team.
A. perfecter
B. more perfectly
C. most perfectly
D. perfect
3. Iyerefaka can run fast but Teri runs _________.
A. fastly
B. fastest
C. farster
D. faster
The correct answer is option [D].
4. Wari sings beautifully but Inyang sings ____________.
A. more beautifully
B. most beautiful
C. more beautifuller
D. most beautiful
5. My grandfather walks __________ now because he is getting older.
A. most slowly
B. slowier
C. more slowly
D. slower
Click here to get the complete English Language questions for Primary 4
6. Mrs. Dumebi dresses __________.
A. beautiful
B. elegantly
C. elegant
D. goodly
7. Jemina runs _________.
A. fast
B. fastly
C. quick
D. easy
8. Iyellawari __________ finished his home work.
A. quick
B. quickly
C. quicken
D. quicker
9. Tarela writes _________.
A. legible
B. legal
C. illegal
D. legibly
10. Our neighbour’s dog barks _________ at strangers.
A. aggressive
B. aggressively
C. angerly
D. angry