These Basic Science questions and answers were pulled from our book (Basic Science questions for Primary 6); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Basic Science Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answers from the lettered options.
1.____ is everywhere in our environment.
A. Water
B. Sun
C. Air
D. Land
2. Air occupies _____.
A. calories
B. space
C. mass
D. weight
3. Air pollution can harm the health or comfort of ________.
A. plants
B. materials
C. humans and animals
D. water bodies
4. Earth is the only planet that has _______ and ________.
A. dust and rocks
B. gas and ice
C. air and water
D. silt and sand
5. We use _________ to inflate a balloon or tyre.
A. air pressure
B. air force
C. air weight
D. air load
Click here to get the complete Basic Science questions for Primary 6
6. An afternoon rainbow appears when the sun shines in the ______.
A. west
B. east
C. south
D. north
7. Which colour makes people cool and refreshed?
A. Brown
B. Red
C. Indigo
D. White
8 .Colours that cannot be obtained by mixing two or more colours are called _____.
A. first class colours
B. secondary colours
C. primary colours
D. grade one colours
9 .Primary colours are ___,_____and _____.
A. yellow, black and white
B. red, blue and yellow
C. white, black and red
D. green,white and green
10. Which colour makes people feel anxious?
A. Indigo
B. Violet
C. Red
D. Yellow