
First independent power (FIPL) Test Past Questions And Answers [Free – PDF Download]

First independent power (FIPL) Test Past Questions And Answers [Free – PDF Download] The energy sector holds the key to a brighter, sustainable future, and being part of a pioneering company like First Independent Power (FIPL) is a significant achievement. To secure a role in such an esteemed organization, thorough preparation is essential. First Independent […]

First independent power (FIPL) Test Past Questions And Answers [Free – PDF Download]

The energy sector holds the key to a brighter, sustainable future, and being part of a pioneering company like First Independent Power (FIPL) is a significant achievement. To secure a role in such an esteemed organization, thorough preparation is essential. First Independent Power (FIPL) Test Past Questions and Answers offer a strategic advantage that can greatly enhance your chances of success in the selection process.

The Power of Past Questions and Answers

First Independent Power (FIPL) Test Past Questions and Answers open a door to the past, providing insights and advantages that can shape your future:

  1. Exam Insights: Understand the structure, format, and types of questions that often appear in FIPL assessments.
  2. Pattern Recognition: Identify recurring themes and question styles, allowing you to prioritize your study efforts.
  3. Concept Mastery: By tackling past questions, you reinforce your understanding of crucial concepts.
  4. Time Management Proficiency: Regular practice with time constraints improves your ability to handle time-sensitive tasks.
  5. Confidence Booster: Successfully answering past questions boosts your self-assurance, readying you for the real test.

About the FIPL recruitment process:

The First independent power recruitment process begins with the application, then an online aptitude test conducted by dragnet.

The entire process takes around 2-months from the date of the first stage aptitude test.

FIPL Aptitude Test Format:

The First independent power aptitude tests comprises of Dragnet Standard G.S.E tests (Graduates Standardized Examination) questions
Structure: 60 questions for about 55 minutes.
Composition: Numerical reasoning, Verbal reasoning, and Abstract reasoning.

With this study pack, you will get access to the latest information on the tests, as well as familiarize with the questions format and style.

Sample questions for FIPL recruitment

First independent power (FIPL) Test Past Questions And Answers

1. What % of the non-graduate employees were non-managers (to the nearest %)?
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 60%T
D. 55%
E. 45%

2. How many less non-graduate than the graduate employees are there?
A. 35
B. 25
C. 30
D. 40
E. 20

3. What is the difference between the UK and the Us for the Period Quarters 1-3?
A. $30,000
B. $10,000
C. $70,000
D. $20,000
E. $50,000

4. How many additional sales would be needed for the UK’s Quarter 4 to equal half of the US’s 4 sales?
A. $15, 000
B. $30, 000
C. $10,000
D. $20,000
E. $40,000

5. What percentage do Quarter 1 and Quarter 3 sales represent of the total UK and US sales for all
quarters (to the nearest whole %)
A. 46%
B. 44%
C. 42%
D. 48%
E. 40%

6. By what percentage would total UK sales for all 4 quarters need to increase to equal the total US
sales for all four quarters (to the nearest whole %)
A. 56%
B. 53%
C. 54%
D. 58%
E. 60%

7. What is the ratio of the UK Quarter 2 sales to the US’s Quarter 3 sales?
A. 3:4
B. 1:2
C. 3:2
D. 1:3
E. 2:3

First independent power (FIPL) Test Past Questions And Answers

8.One pint of milk what fraction of the cost of two pints of milk?
A. 5/7
B. 4/7
C. 1/2
D. 3/7
E. 1/4

9. What is the cost of a pint of milk, a large bottle of beer and small can of beer?
A. £3.25
B. £3.35
C. £3.55
D. £3.65
E. £3.45

10. What is the ratio of the cost of 3 larger beer bottles to 2 large beer cans?
A. 7:6
B. 1:2
C. 2:1
D. 5:4
E. 3.5:2

First independent power (FIPL) Test Past Questions And Answers

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First independent power (FIPL) Test Past Questions And Answers
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