Exam preparations can become hectic and futile, without the right preparation materials, download this free copy of our recently updated OAUTHC School of Nursing Past Questions 2021/2022- PDF Download past questions and answers for thorough study and better performance in the exams.
We have put together these Free OAUTHC School of Nursing Past Questions and answers from our study pack OAUTHC School of Nursing-PDF Download. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Free OAUTHC School of Nursing Past Questions and answers
Use of English
1.In the following options lettered A to D, all the wordsexcept one have the same stress pattern.Choose the option with the different stress pattern.
a. gobble
b. failure
c. goodness
d. Elope
2.In the following options lettered A to D, all the wordsexcept one have the same stress pattern.Choose the option with the different stress pattern.
a. ceiling
b. yoghurt
c. vanquish
d. Career
3.In the following options lettered A to D, all the wordsexcept one have the same stress pattern.Choose the option with the different stress pattern.
a. lexical
b. interview
c. cardigan
d. Catharsis
1.The vapour pressure of a given volume of liquid increase when the
a. liquid becomes saturated with a salt
b. Volume of the liquid increases
c. temperature of the liquid falls
d. temperature of the Liquid rises
2.Which of the following substances with the corresponding pH value is an alkali?
Substance pH
a. Lime 2.4
b. Banana 4.6
c. Distilled water 7.0
d. Milk of magnesia 10.5
3.Which of the following factors would affect the equilibrium constant?
a. Concentration
b. Temperature
c. Pressure
d. Volume
4.Ethene molecules can be added to one another to form a long chain compound called a
a. dimer
b. monomer
c. polymer
d. Trimer
5.A gaseous mixture contains 0,256 g of hydrogen and 2.00 g of oxygen. The mole ration of hydrogen to oxygen in the mixture is (H=1.00; O=16,0)
a. 1:1
b. 2:1
c. 1:4
d. 8:1
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1.Which of the units of the following physical quantities are derived? I. Area II. Thrust III. Pressure IV. Mass
A. I, II, III & IV
B. I, II, III only
C. I, II, IV only
D. I, & III only
E. I & IV only
2.The slope of a striaght line displacement time graph indicates the
A. Distance travelled
B. Uniform velocity
C. Uniform acceleration
D. Instantaneous acceleration
E. Uniform speed
3.A man will exact the greatest pressure on a bench when he
A. lies flat on his back
B. lies flat on his belly
C. stand on both feet
D. stand on one foot only
E. stand on toes of one foot
4.When three coplanar and non-parallel forces are in equilibrium,
I. they can be represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of a triangle taken in order.
II. their lines of action meet at a point.
III. the magnitude of anyone equals the magnitude of the resultant of the other two.
IV. any one force is the equilibrant of the other two.
Which of the following statements above are correct?
A. I & II only
B. II & III only
C. II, III & IV only
D. I, II, III & IV
E. I, III & IV only
5. A ball of mass 0.5kg moving at 10ms-1 collides with another ball of equal mass at rest. If the two balls move off together after the impact, calculate their common velocity.
A. 0.2ms-1
B. 0.5ms-1
C. 5.0ms-1
D. 10.0ms-1
E. 20.0ms-1