These Christian Religious Knowledge questions and answers were pulled from our book ( Christian Religious Knowledge questions for Primary 3); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Christian Religious Knowledge Exam Questions and Answers
Christian Religious Knowledge
1. The _______ is the person who saved the man beaten by thieves in Luke 10:30.
A. Good Samaritan
B. Jerusalemite
C. Israelite
D. Nigerian
2. What should we do to people who are in pain?
A. We should help them.
B. We should laugh at them.
C. We should ignore them.
D. We should beat them.
E. Ask for money for help rendered to them
3. The man that was saved by the good Samaritan was beaten up by ______ on his way to Jericho.
A. his friends
B. his enemies
C. thieves
D. none of the above
4. Who among these people helped the injured traveler?
A. The Priest
B. The Levite
C. Fellow travelers
D. The Samaritan
E. The Egyptians
5. How many people passed the road where the man saved by the good Samaritan was without helping?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 7
D. 5
Click here to get the complete Christian Religious Knowledge questions for Primary 3
6. What was the reason for a member of each tribe of Israel to pick a stone?
A. To make a fireplace for cooking
B. To remind them of how God helped them to cross river Jordan
C. To use it to build a wall around the city
D. To use it to make a flower bed
E. To build a memorial temple in the promise land
7. The seven stones that the seven men picked reminded them of _______.
A. how God helped them to cross River Nile
B. how God helped them to cross River Jordan
C. how God helped them to cross River Menue
D. how God helped them to cross River Niger
8. Which river did Joshua lead the Israelites to cross?
A. Ttiberis
B. Nile
C. Jordan
D. Galilee
E. Niger
9. How were the Israelites going to cross the River Jordan?
A. They were to follow the priest carrying the box of covenant
B. They were to go on their own
C. They were to go one after the other
D. They were to go in groups
10. Joshua asked the people to pick one man from ________ to pick a stone from the river.
A. each family
B. each age group
C. each of the twelve tribes
D. one tribe
E. each community