These Agricultural Sciences questions and answers were pulled from our book (Agricultural Sciences questions for ss2); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.
Sample Agricultural Sciences Exam Questions and Answers
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. Land tenure system involves ________
A. developing land for building industries
B. determining the suitability of soil for agriculture
C. land ownership
D. determining mineral deficiency of land
2. Which one of the following is not a land tenure system?
A. Separated land tenure system
B. Communal land tenure system
C. Freehold ownership
D. Leasehold system
3. Which of the following is an advantage of communal land tenure system?
A. It encourages modern agriculture.
B. Each member of the community can own land.
C. The land can be used as collateral.
D. Family labour can be easily employed.
4. The recommended type of farming in a farm settlement scheme is _______
A. poultry farming
B. livestock farming
C. crop farming
D. mixed farming
5. Farmers use agricultural loans for the following except _______.
A. paying of labour wages
B. marketing his crops
C. purchasing of drugs for livestock
D. paying for seeds
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DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
1. Which one of the following is commonly used as a source of plant protein in livestock ration?
A. Maize
B. Rice bran
C. Wheat bran
D. Groundnut cake
2. In agriculture, the word ration refers to _________.
A. the feed given to animals to maintain their weight
B. the amount of food taken by an animal per day
C. a feed for young animals after weaning
D. a feed that is used for breeding
3. Feed carotene is usually converted into vitamin _________.
A. B
B. A
C. E
D. K
4. Considering food nutrients of livestock, a composition of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen is evidence of _________.
A. fat and oil
B. carbohydrate
C. protein
D. minerals
5. Which one of these is essential in protein synthesis?
A. Potassium
B. Phosphorous
C. Nitrogen
D. Calcium