Can you ace these Access Bank Job Aptitude Test questions? Start honing your skills with some past questions practice and get a preview of what you can expect on test day.
We pulled these Access Bank Job questions from our study pack Access Bank Job aptitude-test past questions studypack. Each sample question includes correct answers, so you can see how to crack it!
Sample Invitation To Access Bank Aptitude Test:
Dear Candidate.
This email is to confirm that you are invited for the first stage of the Bank’s Entry Level Training Programme (ELTP) Graduate, an online assessment scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2022. The assessment will take approximately 60 minutes.
You are eligible to take 2 assessments. Each assessment will take approximately 60 minutes.
Please click on the link below between 9am on Thursday 28th July and 11:30pm Saturday 30th July
Sample Access Bank Job Aptitude Test Past Questions and answers
Quantitative Reasoning
1. Dan had an average of 72 on his first four math tests. After taking the next test, his average dropped to 70. Which of the following is his most recent test grade?
A. 60
B. 62
C. 64
D. 66
E. 68
2. What is the average of the first 15 positive integers?
A 7
B 7.5
C 8
D 8.5
E 9
3. David had d dollars. After a shopping trip, he returned with c cents. How many cents did he spend?
A d – c
B c – d
C 100d – c
D 100c – d
E d – 100c
4. A certain copy machine produces 13 copies every 10 seconds. If the machine operates without interruption, how many copies will it produce in an hour?
A 78
B 468
C 1800
D 2808
E 4680
5. A suit marked at $80 is sold for $68. What is the rate of discount?
A 15%
B 12%
C 17 11/17%
D 20%
E 24%
Click here to get the complete Access Bank Job aptitude-test past questions studypack
Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or phrase which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capitals.
A. loathe
B. despise
C. adore
D. abhor
E. attach
A. servile
B. first
C. fawning
D. supercilious
E. improper
A. not resonant
B. not reddish
C. not eager
D. pompous
E. loud
Each of the questions below consists of two words that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by five lettered pairs of related words. Select the lettered pair of words.
A. area: square inch
B. milk: quart
C. society: classes
D. letter: alphabet
E. time: minutes
A. knowledge: supposed
B. financial: bankrupt
C. immature: callow
D. credible: incredible
E. careful: punishing
Some Frequently Asked Questions About Access Bank Test (2022)
Q: Can I take the test on my phone?
A: We strongly advise against using your phone for the test. Using your phone can result in your test
being terminated when calls or SMS come in during the test as this can be considered suspicious
activities (see the question on suspicious activities for more details).
Q: Can I take the test more than once?
A: You are only allowed to take the test only once. If you take the test more than once, it is only your
score from the first attempt that will be recorded.
Q: Is the test timed?
A: Yes. All tests have a time duration in which they must be completed. Once the duration is
reached, the test will be terminated, and your score recorded and submitted.
Q: What if I mistakenly end the test before I am done?
A: Once a test is submitted or closed, it will be assumed that the test has been completed and
Q: Would I be allowed to retake the test if my test automatically ended because of network or
internet issues?
A: No, you would not be allowed to retake the test. You are advised to make sure you have quality
internet service to avoid this.
Q: Would I be allowed to use the calculator on my system for the test for mathematical questions?
A: Opening another app on your device while taking the test is considered an unusual behaviour so
we advise you have a physical calculator for the test.
Q: My test just ended. I don’t know what happened. What should I do?
A: Your test can be terminated for several reasons – internet connection, suspicious behaviour, or test
time elapsed.
Please ensure you have good and reliable internet before starting the examination to prevent
termination due to poor internet connection.
If you perform five (5) suspicious activities, your test will be terminated. Every time a suspicious
activity is noticed, you will get a warning. By the fifth (5th) warning, your test will be terminated.
Q: What are suspicious activities?
A: Your test will be terminated if you perform five (5) suspicious activities. The following activities are
considered suspicious activities /unusual behaviour:
˗ Minimizing the browser.
˗ Resizing the browser.
˗ Opening a new tab.
˗ Opening a new program.
˗ Take a screenshot. (Desktop)
˗ Pressing Ctrl + C.
˗ Pressing Ctrl + V.
˗ Pressing Print Screen.
˗ Pressing F12.