
Shell/SPDC Scholarship Exam Past Questions and Answers – Updated

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Shell/SPDC Scholarship Exam Past Questions and Answers – Updated

This Shell Scholarship Exam Past Questions and Answers – 2023 Update will help you prepare faster for your best performance in the Shell Scholarship Aptitude Tests. A crucial part of your preparation is to practice previous years’ papers. This will help you understand the exam pattern, know the level of difficulty and ultimately, and help you answer questions correctly and speedily.

About Shell Scholarship

Shell is Nigeria’s oldest energy company, and has a long term and continuing commitment to the country, its people and the economy. Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with an average of 93,000 employees in more than 70 countries. We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.

Free Shell/SPDC Scholarship Exam Past Questions and Answers

These questions were set in previous Shell/SPDC Scholarship Examinations.

Which two of these statements must be true?

A. It takes longer for a biotechnology company to recoup its investment than a conventional pharmaceutical company

B. Biologics medicines are prescribed primarily in the fields of rheumatology and oncology

C. A biologic is not necessarily a vaccine or antitoxin

D. Biologics are made using different technology than conventional medical products

Answer and Explanation

(Cannot say) It takes longer for a biotechnology company to recoup its investment than a conventional pharmaceutical company

This is not stated as a fact in the passage, it was just an argument raised by biotechnological companies – line 16 of the passage

(Cannot say) Biologics medicines are prescribed primarily in the fields of rheumatology and oncology

The passage states that biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, but mentioned rheumatology and oncology as examples. However, this option is talking about prescription which was not discussed in the passage.

(True) A biologic is not necessarily a vaccine or antitoxin

Biologics are medications produced from biological processes, so it entail more than vaccine and antitoxin

(True) Biologics are made using different technology than conventional medical products

Yes, the technology used in creating biologics is different from that of conventional medical products – as seen in line 4

Biologics, which are medical products created from living organisms or their products, are at the cutting edge of biomedical research. While the term biologics includes a wide array of medical products such as vaccines and antitoxins, it most often refers to medications made using biological processes. Unlike chemically produced drugs, biologics are produced using biotechnologies and consist of natural materials- such as proteins, cells, and tissues-deriving from humans, animals or microorganisms. Biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, in particular rheumatology and oncology, offering pioneering treatments for previously untreatable conditions. Some experts predicts that biologics will comprise half of the prescription drug market by 2020.

However, the high cost of these medicines has raised pharmacoeconomic concerns- especially as many of these drugs are used to treat chronic conditions. Whereas conventional medicines have a maximum of five year’s exclusivity before cheaper versions come to market, no such regulation exist for biologics. The generics industry wants to introduce similar regulations for biologics, and Advocates believe the availability of biosimilars could result in savings of 30% for Healthcare providers. Biotechnology companies, however, are arguing for a minimum twelve-year period of exclusivity, to ensure a return on their investment

Lagos State Scholarship Past Questions and Answer – Updated Copy

What comes next in the sequence?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E


Rule 1: The arrow line in the centre rotates 45˚ counterclockwise each time.

Rule 2: The shaded segment moves two place clockwise each time.

Rule 3: The shaded segment alternates between the outer and inner rings.


Lagos State Scholarship Past Questions and Answer – Updated Copy

What comes next in the sequence?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

The correct answer is D

First Rule: Every time, the small triangle nearest the bottom right corner is split into two equal triangles of the same proportions.

Second Rule: The two, newly created, smallest triangles are always unshaded. The rest alternate between being shaded and unshaded in each image.

Third Rule: The stick figure moves up the hypotenuse of the largest triangle by an equal amount every time.

Lagos State Scholarship Past Questions and Answer – Updated Copy

Answers E Explanation:

Rule 1: The solid line moves one place counterclockwise each time.

Rule 2: The arrow line moves two places counterclockwise each time.

Rule 3: The dotted line moves counterclockwise one place, then two places, then 3 places and so on.

Lagos State Scholarship Past Questions and Answer – Updated Copy

What comes next in the sequence?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

The correct answer is A

First Rule: The triangle with a dot in one corner alternates between mirrored in a diagonal from the top left of the figure to the bottom right and mirrored in a diagonal from the top right of the figure to the bottom left.

Second Rule: The rectangle alternates between being mirrored vertically and mirrored horizontally.

Third Rule: The rectangle also increases in width by a uniform amount every time, in a direction that is away from the closest edge of the figure.

Judy is now twice as old as Adam but 6 years ago she was 5 times as old as he was. How old is Judy now?

A. 10
B. 16
C. 20
D. 24
E. 32

Answer: B


Represent Adam with A Represent Judy with J

Judy now is twice as old as Adam J = 2A

Six years ago    J-6 = 5(A-6)

Therefore, J-6 = 5A – 30

J-6 = 5(J/2) – 30

Multiply through by 2 2(J-6) = 5J-60

2J-12 = 5J-60

-12+60 = 5J-60

48 = 3J J = 48/3

J = 16 (B)

Dialogue between Ann and Mary

MARY: All of the graduates from Midland High School go to State College.

ANN: I don‟t know. Some of the students at State College come from North Hill High School

Ann‟s response shows that she has interpreted Mary‟s remark to mean that?

A. Most of the students from North Hills High School attend State College
B. None of the students at State college are from Midland High School
C. Only students from Midland High School attend State College
D. Midland High School is a better school than North High Hill School
E. Some Midland High School graduates do not attend college.

Answer: C


Ann’s response would be appropriate only if Mary had said, ―All of the students at state College come from Midland High‖. That is why (C) is correct. (D) is wrong because they are talking about the background of the students, not the reputations of the schools. (E) is wrong, for the question is from where the students at State College come. (B) is superficially relevant to the exchange, but it, too, is incorrect. Ann would not reply to this statement, had Mary made it, in the way she did reply. Rather, she would have said, ―No, there are some Midland students at State College‖. Mary had said, ―None of the students from North Hills attend State College but Ann makes neither of these responses, so we know that (A) cannot have been what she thought she heard Mary say.

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1 review for Shell/SPDC Scholarship Exam Past Questions and Answers – Updated

  1. Goodluck Kosisochukwu Pius

    Wow love what I’m seeing here

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