Download MPA843 ? E-Governance in the Public Sector (october-2025)
Course code: MPA843
Course title: E-Governance in the Public Sector Credit units: 2
1. Indicate your Matriculation Number clearly.
2. Attempt question one (1) and any other three (2) questions ? 3 questions in all.
3. Question one (1) is compulsory and carries 30 marks, while the other questions carry 20 marks each.
4. Present all your points in coherent and orderly Manner.
1. a. What is E-governance? (10 marks)
b. What are the objectives of e-governance? (10 marks)
c. Discuss Administrative and Democratic improvements of e-governance. (10 marks)
(30 marks)
2. Discuss eight (8) factors that determine whether government will make use of ICT in its operations.
(20 marks)
3. a. What are the Principles of E-governance? (5 marks)
b. Discuss the four main types of Service Delivery in e-governance. (15 marks)
4. List and discuss the features of Public Network Project. (20 marks)
5. Discuss in detail the models of e-democracy. (20 marks)
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